2012-03-19 12:06:33 • Igor Eged (ancientdragon) | |
Demons and Wizards : TORNADO | # 6172 |
Captains, please fill and confirm correct results of this match.
Entered results don't match everything I see in profiles. I see erm4x - ohhhjasiu as 2:0, not 0:2. Also I ask captains to fill the results always in the correct order, real order of matches - order of opponents and also particular games. Violent Pandas captain, please confirm the result of your match as well. | |
2011-05-21 00:17:36 • Michał Żukowski (zukolepl) | |
RE: Ani za prase - MastersOfCeremony | # 5662 |
now i see, sorry. | |
2011-05-21 00:11:48 • Michał Żukowski (zukolepl) | |
Ani za prase - MastersOfCeremony | # 5661 |
Is -:-, +:- or -:+ ? :-) | |
2011-05-14 14:50:46 • Ádám Varga (songokukek) | |
R.9 | # 5650 |
bongla-roli: 1-1
0-1;1-0 or 1-0;0-1 I know it so that it doesn't matter that write in it 1-1, believes the result it yet come on yeah. | |
2011-05-14 14:24:43 • anatolie smirnov (sherhan) | |
correction | # 5649 |
bongalonck-rolandkaakek 0-1 1-0 = 1-1 | |
2011-05-13 20:34:01 • Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst) | |
SUPERTEAM_ - Dark Team -:+ | # 5646 |
Unfortunately, our opponent in this round - SUPERTEAM_ - doesn't appear in the agreed time. We were waiting 30 minutes with no happy end. Kind regards, Angst | |
2011-05-08 16:14:16 • Gábor Gyenes (ycgabor) | |
YC-WH | # 5636 |
I can't approve our results, but it is right. | |
2011-04-19 20:54:52 • József Barabás (erkisherceg) | |
Ani za prase - Easy riders | # 5562 |
At the appointed time, the team Ani za prase has not appeared. | |
2011-04-17 14:19:20 • anatolie smirnov (sherhan) | |
rockfall-valahia | # 5560 |
At the appointed time, the теам valahia has not appeared. | |
2011-03-14 16:17:49 • Adam Horvath (anakinnmoose) | |
Mr-St | # 5445 |
1. round:
mranakinn-stfederer:2-0 ellucky-stOddO:0-2 mrtaalento-stmatandros:0-2 mrteuse-stcortez: 1-1 2.round: mranakinn-stcortez:2-0 ellucky-stfederer:1-1 mrtaalento-stOddO:0-2 mrteuse-stmatandros: 0-2 3.round: mranakinn-stmatandros:1-1 ellucky-stcortez:0-2 mrtaalento-stfederer:1-1 mrteuse-stOddO: 0-2 4.round: mranakinn-stOddO:1-1 ellucky-stmatandros:0,5-1,5 mrtaalento-stcortez:2-0 mrteuse-stotto2: 1-1 MR:ST: 12,5-19,5 | |
2011-02-20 23:13:05 • Alex Popiel (lolamaza) | |
YC vs. LXO | # 5398 |
Dear Committee,
in the course of the match between You Cube and The Lords of XO, a score of 22-10 was reached and, consequently, correctly recorded by our opponent team's captain, ycgabor. Unfortunately, our captain, lobromozel, is away and cannot approve the result at once. Please approve it in case you find it applicable. | |
2011-01-16 21:50:46 • Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si) | |
RE: break in match | # 5315 |
Nice comment, I like it, but I bit doubt in some your ideas. I dont want to repeat what the others have already written, I want to focus on disadvantages at dividing EL into 3 groups only. I am a member of committee 5 years, I have worked on the rules a lot, pp-system is also my idea.
Maybe it would be possible to divide all teams in the group A, B and C in the 1st season, but I doubt that these rules will be good after 2 or 3 years. Example 1. Take into account that some teams stop playing. How to fill in the groups when 3 teams from groupA, 4 teams from groupB and 3 teams from groupC stop playing, and 10 new teams start to play the next season? Example 2. There is a NewTeam with very strong players and no team for groupA stop playing. In which group they can start - A, B or C? If in A, then one team, which would have right to play in groupA for the next season, have to play in groupB. Is this OK? If NewTeam start to play in groupC, they need 3 years to become a member of groupA. Is this OK? Do you remember situation in ice hockey 15 years ago? Slovakia played in groupC but on the other hand, they played in the final group in Olypmic games. GroupC was much stronger than groupB at that time due to marketing reasons only and this is not sport. Example 3. The best 3 players of TeamA (in groupA) stop playing and left the team, other players are weaker. In which group can start TeamA in the next season? In groupA, because they have right to play or in group B or C? Example 4. TeamB (6 excellent players, groupA) is devided into 2 new teams TeamB1 (with 3 players from TeamB) and TeamB2 (with 3 players from TeamB). Is it possible, that both teams have to right to play in groupA? Yes? 8 new players can join to both teams (and they neednt start in the groupC). Next season 3 old players from TeamB2 join to thier old teammates in TeamB1 again and 3 new players from TeamB1 join to TeamB2. Compare with the example2, if NewTeam would play in groupA or in groupC. There are just a few examples and you can see that create 3 groups (except for the 1st season) is not so easy. There is a very wide space for a lot of manipulations, which we cant foresee and prevent at that moment. But, if you want to work further on these rules, you are welcome and I will help you, if you want. | |
2011-01-15 08:01:42 • Alex Popiel (lolamaza) | |
A Peace Treaty | # 5303 |
Dear Members of the Respected Community:
Leaning upon the current EuroLeague rules, The Lords of XO have refused the rematch offers coming from Demons and Wizards, and our primary motivation was that the time limits proposed (i.e. playing a rematch between the forthcoming rounds) were dissatisfying for us, let alone the imperative attitude chosen by our conversation partners which we found somewhat insulting. However, given that this is the first time our opponent team are approaching us without cavils and with a reasonable offer, I believe that no reasons exist not to make advances towards a halfway solution that could satisfy the teams involved and the community. Indeed, if either or both teams keep on pursuing tournament aims at the end of the season and the additional 0.5 points could suffice for the title, an agreement can be reached in order to play the long awaited rematch by request of one of the captains. I believe that the path to mutual respect is the only way to keep everybody happy and move forward in partnership, not squabbles. Best regards, Alex Popiel | |
2011-01-15 02:32:38 • Marek Gorzecki (alicecooperpl) | |
RE: break in match | # 5302 |
1) i agree with cr_partak: it is bad idea to back to past
2) i understand that Lords have to right to use rules for their best business 3) but i understand too, anger of my team mates as they are convinced about win so i apologize for any of my bad words (and my mates) and propose to play rematch after this season (for sure that both teams will find time) | |
2011-01-15 00:51:58 • Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst) | |
RE: break in match | # 5300 |
P.S. I still believe that The Lords of XO will decide to play against D&W. It would be really the best end of this story, moreover purifying for many of us :) | |
2011-01-15 00:47:16 • Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst) | |
RE: break in match | # 5299 |
I agree with Attila in many aspects, but not with every one.
First of all, I would like to comment all remarks regarding current EL rules. Everyone who has ever tried to create any rules, contract, etc. knows that it is impossible to make it perfect. There are always unusual situations impossible to predict etc. On other hand, when everything is all right and people behave fair and politely we don't need any rules. Unfortunately, people don't behave like this. This is why rules are necessary. Case of D&W shows that current rules are not perfect (that is obvious as I mentioned before). Frankly speaking I feel disappointed and can only apologize D&W, as a member of EL Committee (this is almost tragical situation - we know what we should decide, but on other hand we must obey the rules). This case forced me to analyze deeply EL Rules once again to find similar errors to be repaired for next seasons. I hope to finish it soon to start discussion on Committee forum to establish new rules before the beginning of another season. I know that other Committee members also would like to change something, so we are open for any of your suggestions (it could be just simple language correction, rule modification or EL base revolution, as Attila's proposition ;)). This is not first time when we discuss dividing teams into groups. I don't know yet if it is good idea or not. Probably we can't avoid any modifications as everything shall be improving. I'm just wondering if there will be many teams interested to compete in C or D League? Maybe in a few years there will be just YC, VLH and D&W competing? :) I would rather support play-off idea (4, 6 or 8 best teams qualify to round-robin group to decide final order). Do we really want to cut off the possibility to play vs gomoku stars (unfortunately many of them don't participate in NT tournaments)? Is it good for gomoku popularity? Last thing is that I doubt in troubles avoiding because of less number of teams competing - aren't D&W and LOX ~ top6/8 currently? :) I'm really interested in your opinions. Kind regards, Angst | |
2011-01-15 00:13:34 • Attila Demján (ycattila) | |
RE: break in match | # 5298 |
I thought I am gonna write some lines about the current situation...
First of all, I am really sad and disappointed about the 3rd round. Ridiculous accusement of cheating and unfinished game between 2 title claimer teams. These are not the reasons why we all play Euroleague. Our primary vision should be to be fair, play gomoku and enjoy the game, the competition. We are not playing for thousands of $s. Everyone knows who is a good player, who isnt, none of us needs to cheat to misguide anyone else abour our true skills. Why this all is happening? 1st issue: The accusement of fire2fire. I think this issue is going to be finished soon as the commitee will decide. I already wrote my comments about it, no need to add anything. 2nd issue: I didn't want to comment it due several reasons. It is just so simply overhyped and "boring". I mean there are rules, those are set for such occassions. DW (supposed to be the winning team) is very unlucky (can't find a better word) now who can't do much, and LXO is probably against fair play and same time against our international community, but still they are 100% correct, they are behaving accurately according to the set rules! This is a contradiction, isn't it? If I would be the judge here, I would push LXO to agree to replay the match (starting from 0-0!), but if they wouldn't wish to do it, I would accept it too. As I said, unfortunately DW can not do anything but hope for LXO's rematch accept. I hope in case of tie DW will continue to struggle in EL and move on and LXO will maybe learn something from this situation concerning fair play. This situation just shows us that something is wrong in Euroleague's rule system, or - better to say - not as good as possible. If we suppose that D&W would win this match 10 out of 10 times, we would just steal 0,5 pts from them and add 0,5 pts for LXO, and this would be very unfair against other competiting teams and DW of course. But I don't think that D&W would win 10 times out of 10, maybe just 6 or 7, doesn't matter in fact. Obviously, a better example would be if team nr1 would play with team nr30 and same stuff would happen. Everyone would feel the draw as a mistaken decision, because team nr1 will NEVER lose to team nr30. That should tell my opinion about it. So what I say is that making this game draw is not fair and is against everyone else but one team. Since making a rematch has to be approved by both teams, and it is very complicated to replay it in the next round or anytime, a quick idea came to my mind... This issue can't be solved correctly enough in Swiss system. That is the biggest defect of Euroleague in my opinion, the system we play in. I suggest and I will probably suggest later with more details to play in ROUND ROBIN system from the coming season. Imagine, there would be like A, B and C leagues, each would contain 6-10 teams and all teams should play against all others, only in the same group of course. What we would miss then, is the chance that strong teams could not play with weak ones, and that's all! But we would not have such EL destroying conflicts and hard discussions about rules, luck and fair play. Moreover the competition would be more effective, interesting and tense and no result would be based on the pairing of 1st round and stuff like that. Even if the server crashes, our deadlines would let us easily repeat anything. In addition, 3 teams could be the champion by the end of a season (supposing we have 3 leagues). The issue of newly joining teams could be also easily solveable, such as the change of stable teams between the leagues. (More details and concrete ideas about new playing system will be coming soon by me if I find it worthy) I ask everyone to think about this suggestion instead of attacking each other and let's discuss it all together in the near future. Because if we would agree, we should decide the system details as soon as possible. Best wishes, Attila | |
2011-01-14 16:52:30 • Marek Gorzecki (alicecooperpl) | |
RE: break in match | # 5293 |
Gabor excuse me but You (and Your team) are really last presons to critize DaW after Your behavior for my team in past seasons.
And You are liar becouse in past seasons was other rules than today And we have win (+/-) and despite this we agree to play rematch !! (only becouse we want play) And we really have no time to play 3rd time | |
2011-01-14 16:19:53 • Andrey Sviridov (cr_spartak) | |
RE: break in match | # 5291 |
Gabor, i should add a remark that in Season 2006/2007 there was not rule 7.8. It was born after case you have described. Also i don't find good idea to wash again past cases as it easily can lead to senseless discussion. | |
2011-01-14 15:27:22 • Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst) | |
RE: break in match | # 5290 |
But I don't like it.
In my opinion it would be fair to mention that before Kurnik's failure that day D&W agreed to play vs IC, despite the fact they could receive +/- without playing. Moreover, Committee needed to decide if the score shall be +/- or 0,5:0,5. Maybe it is not so important, who knows... Kind regards, Angst | |
2011-01-14 13:59:09 • Honza Bielák (olgoj) | |
RE: break in match | # 5288 |
Like it:) | |
2011-01-14 12:58:42 • Gábor Gyenes (ycgabor) | |
RE: break in match | # 5286 |
Dear angry players from both sides,
I can't stop myself to tell our situation with DaW, but I should... Unfortunately, this is not the first case for the DaW. This old strategy is made up by DaW and now the Lords use it again. How does it feel like, DaW? Season 2006/2007, 2nd week of the 4th round, Ice Cube - Demons and Wizards: After the first round the kurnik was down and we were not able to back in 30 minutes. We wanted a rematch, but Marek (alicecooper) said there were no good date for them. BUT!!! Two days later !!5!! of DaW member were online in the same time for hours. (You can ask yourself what unfair is except that lie(?). I had some screenshot about that (in a player's statistics you can see how long he/she was online the last time), but the commitee didn't do anything else, only what is in the rules, so it became draw. According to the rules the DaW had the possibility for draw and they used it. This is the same situation, isn't it? The Lords have this possibility too. I'd like to ask every DaW member not to accuse the Lords with anything! This is like "He can see the splinter in another's eye but cannot see even the beam in his own." So old DaW members please take it as a lesson. This is not what Jove may do, the ox may not. Regards, Gábor | |
2011-01-13 02:02:58 • Alex Popiel (lolamaza) | |
RE: break in match | # 5271 |
Now this is already a personal attack which has nothing to do with the relationship between the teams, perhaps, little punk, you should learn from your captain to speak about the matter, not personalities. | |
2011-01-13 00:49:45 • Michał Żukowski (zukolepl) | |
RE: break in match | # 5270 |
Since last Sunday for me you're not Lords. Lords have your honor and you what ?:-)
Sorry, exactly you can not me write about decency. | |
2011-01-13 00:49:11 • Costinas Beniamin (vlh_dragon) | |
Sure, shoot the messenger. | # 5269 |
I was just stating the obvious. There is no audiance i am manipulating, as our "scandal: will be judged by the same commitee that will judge yours. Furthermore, i am not directly involved .
Anyways, i like that you ALWAYS FIND solutions to other players' opinions (Sherlock), YET YOU DON"T FIND A MATCH DATE (hahaha, this is quite HILARIOUS :D). Why don't you simply admit that you don't have the courage to face DAW, thus you hold on to the draw offerd by the rules. I wonder if you behaved the same if you were up against a weaker team, and this situation occured. And for your information, i have the pesky habbit to write down my opinion whenever i see complete absence of common sense (i did it last year with kr-tm although i had nothing against/for any side). Keep in mind, that you have now the position of lawyers defending a criminal, and we all know how much those lawyers are loved/respected. | |
2011-01-13 00:33:24 • Alex Popiel (lolamaza) | |
RE: break in match | # 5268 |
To Bano:
I'd like to briefly comment on your treatment of the EL rules. Rule 1.2: Good behavior also presupposes absence of pushing on other players and the Committee, I assume. Rule 15.1: Well, is your obsession to win at long last the Euroleague an exceptional circumstance? I guess it's just a childish mania, nothing exceptional. Take it easy. To Zukole: "...situation as in match Demons - The Lols" The Lols? Excuse me, if I call you Mr. Dupowski in public from now on, will you like it? If not, which I assume, please keep some respect to others; public mangling of other peoples' and teams' names characterizes you as a person whose hopeless anger oversteps all bounds of decency. Control yourself or take out on inanimate objects. | |
2011-01-12 19:10 • Vlad Nipoti (czpaybtc) | |
RE: break in match | # 5265 |
it seems that it can't be helped. Now everyone can look for the "holes" or "lacks" in the Rules and will misuse it. I will just remind some sentences from the Rules. 1.2.EL is based on fair plays and good behavior of players. 15.General 15.1. The organizers of GEL are allowed to change the rules or make exceptions to the rules, if a situation requires this. This should only be used in exceptional circumstances. But 15th rule will probably never be utilized. Let the best team win this season! | |
2011-01-12 18:05:07 • Michał Żukowski (zukolepl) | |
RE: break in match | # 5264 |
I'm angry. We lost 0,5 point because you're afraid ( play, if you don't agree ).
Why you have seven players, if you can play only one day in round ( 3rd round had 4 weeks ! ). If you haven't time why you play in EL? I know that rules are rules, but this point is wrong. I can not understand why both captains must agree, later is situation as in match Demons - The Lols. Best regards, Zukole. | |
2011-01-11 20:43:29 • Michał Żukowski (zukolepl) | |
RE: DaW - LO | # 5256 |
so, if you played in 7 players, because you don't knew rules is = if is break in match because server is bad? Nice :-)
You don't agree, but you don't play so lol ? Haven't you time? so why i see every day yours players on playok and not on some min, but or some hours ! Nice too ;-) | |
2011-01-11 19:07:53 • Alex Popiel (lolamaza) | |
RE: DaW - LO | # 5255 |
Yapping at a maths university lecturer is amazing, especially if it comes out from a little cub's orifice.
Anyway, writing here is a nice try indeed in a futile attempt to distract the audience from the VLH scandal. Well done. | |