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2011-01-11 19:00:09 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
RE: Oh, this is just precious.
# 5254
A case Crusaders - Polar Bears happened in the season 2006/07 in the 2nd round. Then the rules didnt allow the rematch. The committee has given free hands to the both captains to play or not to play the final super match. But we couldnt force any team to play, because it wouldnt be in accordance with the rules.

On the basis of this case, we changed the rules as are now and there hasnt been any complaint till now. I invited players to write any proposals or ideas on the rules in the past, but there were almost no responses. Before the start of this season Committee also discussed about final four and play-off system, but this change wasnt approved. If you made some ideas acceptable, Committee will certainly discusse about them , but the major changes usually valid before the start of the new season.

Yes, Bano (# 5231), if the result had been 15,5:0,5 and there was server failure, the result would be a draw according to the current rules, take into accordance the rule 5.8. as well. Suggest more appropriate solution. In the matches is also possible turn about, although with small probability. My team (Slov. dr.) came from -10 to -2 (vs. KE in the last season) and lost unlucky in the finish.

I just talk about the rules, not about fairplay...
2011-01-11 18:16:07 Costinas Beniamin (vlh_dragon)
RE: DaW - LO
# 5253
Someone, i won't say who (Ilya Katsev) either has logistics problems, or underestimates our intellect.

"I don't think that it is unfair, because we don't break any rule of EL".
On the contrary ... you don't have to break the rules to be unfair hence your implication is trivial.
Taking advantage of the rules in the manner you do is not just proving lack of fair play, but also of courage, common sense etc. (you should get the point).

"In the first round we got some penalty points ...".
Oh, well ... in that case you may be pardoned. Look everybody, it happened to them too (they got hit by the appliance of the rules, buhu). Completely irrelevant argument. It sounds so childish (I only stole her candy because she has hidden my chocolate).

"It was not so important in the match".
Oh, now we're talking. Finally something true. It was NOT SO IMPORTANT (as it is in your match with DAW).

The rules are simple guidelines, that encourage fair play. Taking them ad litteram does not mean you are fair play. You didn't even consider a rematch, you saw the opportunity and jumped head on.

Why don't you reconsider a rematch ? Why don't you try to be creative, and propose to play the game at the end of EL for example (even if it would turn out not to be possible). Why do you have the behavior of man that found a goldmine(on a diamond island) ?

I assure you, if you are not good enough to beat DAW you can't hope for winning EL. And if that's not what you are targeting (winning EL, like they do) then you have no reason not to reconsider playing the match. Plus, you would make them stumble for nothing.
2011-01-11 18:04:39 Alex Popiel (lolamaza)
RE: DaW - LO
# 5252
Dear fair play devotees:

We respected the rules when I was given penalty points in a situation that meant absolutely nothing; by the way, it happened thanks to watchful Zukole's petition, who can't help prying into what others do. Still we obeyed.

So please respect the rules, too. If you are unhappy with them, you could propose some changes to them for the next season, e.g. for cases like the one that's keeping you up in the night. But please do not forget that fair play also requires absence of any changes to the rules after a competition starts and before it ends.

They say, if my aunt had been a man, then she would have been my uncle.
That's it.
2011-01-11 17:35:57 Ilya Katsev (lobromozel)
DaW - LO
# 5251
I agree that the rules are not optimal. May be it is better to change them in the future.

But I don't agree with words of Kedlub that we had no chances in this match. Last year the team of Kedlub losed two first round against us 5.5:10.5, but won the whole match 16.5:15.5.

We already explained our position, and I don't think that it is unfair, because we don't break any rule of EL. In the first round we got some penalty points because of two games of our 7th player. It was not so important in the match with the result 27:5, but okey, this is the rules!

Also now all our actions are in accordance with the rules.
2011-01-11 17:07:06 Vlad Nipoti (czpaybtc)
RE: Oh, this is just precious.
# 5250
I think we (or the comittee)have got to find rule that will force both teams to play the match. Just like in football. When teams can not play in national league (due to Champions league etc.), they play it in compensatory date. But they do play.

Maybe e.g. after servere failure, the leading team would get 0,5 and the losing 0, it would motivate both teams more or less. Well, of course in case that losing team would lose at any rate, they could reject playing and not caring about the result. It is just a suggestion. You can come up with other better ideas...

If we look back in history like Kedlub, one or two years ago there was case when North Pole forgot about their match (captain's fail or other reasons) with Czech Layback. They asked to play a rematch and they did. It was obvious that Czech Layback would not win in any case, they still played though.

That was a preview of absolute fair play. But times change and so people...
2011-01-11 15:40:48 Pavel Laube (kedlub)
RE: Oh, this is just precious.
# 5248
Oh yes, another sad example of how "friendly" our dear Euroleague could be. I can well imagine how pissed must Demons feel, as they lost a clear win in such a way. No doubt that Lords have just proved that they are ready to do anything to get the point, but...unfortunatelly, they only took advantage of the valid rules.
This is certainly not the first time it has happened. You might remember the third or fourth season, when the server fell down during the match of Polar Bears and Crusaders. Crusaders rejected the rematch and as the both teams won all the other matches, Crus won by Buch the whole competition. Certainly very sad for gomoku. And so is our current example, especially when Lords seemed to lose easily, but.. according to the current rules I don't see any way how to force them to play the rematch. The rule of 30 minutes is obviously not applicable here (viz. lolamaza's message). Do you think it's unacceptable? Suggest better rules then. Or do with the fact that this is an internet competition and we can rely only on the politeness of each other (which is sadly often missing).


2011-01-11 12:09:17 Costinas Beniamin (vlh_dragon)
Oh, this is just precious.
# 5243
Yesterday i was on the phone with mystartx. We talked about our situation, and he asked me what do i think about your case. I said, that the russian team would most likely take advantage of the situation (since they were being crushed from the begining... 2nd round wasn't looking any brighter either for lords) and i said that would be a in our advantage (Valahia's). But that's a subjective opinion, and a part of our private discussion.

I was not aware of this, i barely responded on our case, yesterday. Now that i see this, it's even funnier. I will summarize my humble opinion as following:

1. The lords of xo seized the opportunity and went for the draw (as i predicted for myself and mystartx). I can understand the judgement from their point of view(it may be the wisest decizion... but the UNFAIR one).
2. I won't say anything about fair play (because i can't find it anywhere in their action).
3. The comitee should not give them satisfaction, and decide a rematch (if not now, after the end of EL).
4. I agree with dredd.

Is it just me that sees "some" similarities in the 2 "special" cases of round 3?
2011-01-10 23:17:20 Michał Żukowski (zukolepl)
RE: Re: break in match (aka nerve storm)
# 5239
I wrote that yours openings was not top secret as wrotes Bromozel, nothing else.

Pls don't write respect, you're not funny.

oh sorry, who has problem with understanding mine english ? :F
2011-01-10 23:12:28 Vlad Nipoti (czpaybtc)
RE: Re: break in match (aka nerve storm)
# 5238
Just one correction.

"And, finally, with respect to the statement on our captain's "too late to play," it must have been about the server that was continuously fading, not the team members. Maybe a misunderstanding between two non-natives of English :)"

It was me, who spoke to your captain. And it understanding of two russian speakers...

But these are just details...

Maybe it is not Zukole's self-confidence but just your lack of confidence.

2011-01-10 22:54:25 Alex Popiel (lolamaza)
Re: break in match (aka nerve storm)
# 5236
Dear Opponents:

With respect to Zukole's perfect wording mentioning the fact that our team was down after the first round, I can say that the same had happened during the fixture with North Pole, which, however, could not prevent us from winning the whole match. So please do not flatter your self-confidence too much.

With respect to highly esteemed AliceCooper who mentioned the fact that after only 25 minutes the DW players were back on site, I can say that personally I could not and I can prove it with the corresponding data (two automatic print-screens taken on 19.55 CET [My game with Zukole, move 29] and 20.25 CET; and a manually taken print-screen of 20.27 CET) showing that the server was still down, the data being available from me at any time by request.

With respect to another statement by AliceCooper of our captain's presence on the site while all of the other LXO players could not access it, he told us later that he never left the site and it did sometimes refresh for those users who had not abandoned the page. In the meanwhile we were trying to access the site but unfortunately failed to do so due to reasons not depending on us.

And, finally, with respect to the statement on our captain's "too late to play," it must have been about the server that was continuously fading, not the team members. Maybe a misunderstanding between two non-natives of English :)
2011-01-10 22:52:24 Marek Gorzecki (alicecooperpl)
RE: break in match
# 5235
some statistics: (all taken from playok)

cuartodebano lost 18:53 back 19:36 after 43 min
devotionpl lost 18:53 back 19:19 after 26 min
dwgacul lost 18:53 back 19:36 after 43 min
pczukole lost 18:53 back 19:18 after 25 min
alicecooperpl lost 18:53 back 19:22 after 29 min

so we have 3 players ready to play BEFORE 30 min period
2011-01-10 22:41:23 Ilya Katsev (lobromozel)
RE: break in match
# 5234
How many answers!

I only say the next:

1. We also were kicked out. Several times the server looks at working but only for seconds, after it it was down again.

2. It was longer than 30 minuts.

3. After it we have no reason to think that server started to work correctly and in the near future there will be no troubles.
2011-01-10 22:24:51 Vlad Nipoti (czpaybtc)
RE: break in match
# 5231
Hello The Lords,

I would like to comment your statement.

The situation was following. During the failure of players from Czech republic, Poland, Hungary were kicked out whereas players from Russia and Ukraine were not. Unfortunately we managed to get to the playing room maybe a bit later than 30 minutes. When we did, the captain of the Lords reamined. Others went away with the excuse of being too late for playing, although accoring to the schedule it would have been only the end of second round. So the match would have taken a bit more time, if the opponent had wanted.

7.8. If the server ( does not work and some games of the match has been played and some players can not continue in their match, then:

this rule means this: 7.8. If the server ( does not work and some games of the match has been played and some players DOES NOT WANT TO continue in their match, then:

I find excuse like " Preparation took us a long time and it would be in vain" paarticularly unsuitable in this case, as they had got chance to play on.

One more question. If the result had been 15,5:0,5 and there was server failure, it would have ended up like draw too?

Apparently there are some lacks in the rules or I mistake something.

I thought that Euroleague was about playing and competition. AFter this round and those two cases I may change my opinion.

Kind regards

2011-01-10 22:24:04 Michał Żukowski (zukolepl)
RE: break in match
# 5230

"as our current opens and particular branches have been revealed."

Yes and you loss first round 2-6 so nice.

2011-01-10 22:18:04 Marek Gorzecki (alicecooperpl)
RE: break in match
# 5229
1) i wish to be nice so i propose to play
2) but i see You won't play only becouse afraid (so want draw without playing)
3) in this case i ask committee to fulfill duties and decide

"7.7.If the server ( does not work, the teams have to wait 30 minutes and:"

we (DaW) back on server after ca 25 minutes
but the Lords go out !
only their captain left and he say that they not wish to continue match

so i ask: They do not wait 30 min so what committee decide?
is rule 7.7 only empty words?

PS please don't tell us "you have all round to play" becouse we have not
when we propose match date, the Lords say "My team have voted for Jan. 9, and this is our first and last say."

2011-01-10 21:17:47 Ilya Katsev (lobromozel)
RE: break in match
# 5228
Good evening

We highly respect our Round 3 opponent team, which is why we tried to postpone the match on the last day of the Round and we kept preparing a lot. Unfortunately, a rematch could wind our prolonged preparations away, as our current opens and particular branches have been revealed. We believe that a rematch would decrease our chances compared to the match that, unfortunately, due to the server failure, could not succeed yesterday. This is the main reason why we decline the rematch offer, which results in a permanent draw according to the Euroleague rule 7.8.3.

The three players on our team are having examinations right now, whilst the remaining four are relatively aged and have serious jobs and obligations other than studentship and playing gomoku, which is why we cannot afford organized gathering on a more frequent basis than once a month.

We sincerely wish you good luck in the forthcoming rounds.

Best regards,
2011-01-09 20:50:37 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
RE: break in match
# 5209
You can play a new match during the next round if both captains agree. Read the rules 7.8.1. and 7.8.3.
2011-01-09 20:48:47 Ádám Varga (songokukek)
Kulonleges Erook-GDC
# 5208
1.round :
elizabethkek-bye: +;-

pule-bye: +;-

songoku-bye : +;-
rolandka-robca: 2-0
elizabeth-zeyferos: 1-1 (1-0,0-1)

songoku-robca: 2-0
rolandkaa-bye: +;-
elizabeth-mbica: 2-0
2011-01-09 20:30:44 Marek Gorzecki (alicecooperpl)
break in match
# 5207
We (Demons and Wizards) start play today match with The Lords of XO
after first round server throw us and we cannot play in for near 25 minutes
We want continue match so i ask the Lords what date is suitable?
2010-12-23 17:51:43 Andrey Sviridov (cr_spartak)
RE: cRUS - Superteam_
# 5186
Zukole you know too much. Don't you afraid? :-))

Frankly dunno why it is 1-0. I did not make any changes. Maybe EL site knows future.
2010-12-23 14:02:27 Michał Żukowski (zukolepl)
cRUS - Superteam_
# 5185 why is 1-0 for cRUS if match is on 19:30? :-)
2010-12-21 22:00:05 Michał Żukowski (zukolepl)
ani za prase - rockfall
# 5178 :D:D:D:D:D:D
2010-12-06 18:41:03 Csilla Vassné B. (th_vacsi)
RE: Trojan Horse - Ani za Prase
# 5094
Thank you zukole,you are right !

Suchuch missed this result and me too,sorry.

Ani za prase : Trojan Horse 9:23
2010-12-05 21:49:49 Michał Żukowski (zukolepl)
Trojan Horse - Ani za Prase
# 5092
Was 23-9, not 24-8

th_zakka - : metalmessiah 1:1

zakka 4/8
metalmessiah 2/8
2010-11-22 13:54:06 Andrey Sviridov (cr_spartak)
RE: cRUSaders vs
# 5051
Hello friends and particular committee members!

I would like to say that yesterday i changed detailed match result in cRUSaders vs GDC game. We played 2 rounds after wich our opponents dissapeared (exept thier captain). Thus i added results of first 2 rounds. I also think captain of GDC did not have enought time to approve result after my editing. And the team should not be punished with pp for the rule 9.3.
2010-11-22 10:48:23 Ilya Katsev (lobromozel)
RE: KE - The Lords
# 5050

Okey, I will change the results of the games.
2010-11-22 10:22:47 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
RE: KE - The Lords
# 5049
Hi, Alex,

sorry, but you made 3 substitutions and the result of the games shuakek - lonirvana(or noplayer) will be +/-, +/-.
We had a similar situation in the previous season, when players E and F replaced A and B. In the last round of the match A replaced E again and this is also not allowed, although a team played with 6 players and not with the 7 ones as your team.
Your team will get just some pp. Read the rules carefully again. If you have any questions/suggestion..., write on the forum EL/rules.

2010-11-22 09:02:49 Michał Żukowski (zukolepl)
RE: Company - Demons
# 5048
Ok, is good, sorry :)
2010-11-22 00:51:16 Michał Żukowski (zukolepl)
Company - Demons
# 5047
I approve match results Company - Demons and Wizards, Alicecooper doesnt have access to internet :-)
2010-11-21 21:14:58 Alex Popiel (lolamaza)
RE: KE - The Lords
# 5046
Dear Committee,

I feel I have to explain the whole situation. Our team does lack some experience in casuistic issues and this is true that during the fixture between The Lords of XO and Kulonleges Erook (26:6), 3 players of The Lords were subbed. After round 2, logelo0one and loraficus were subbed by loigor and lobromozel, whilst after round 3, lonirvana was subbed by lolamaza. We did not know about rule 5.6 and this is of course our fault. Nevertheless, the issue raised by zukole, a reputable person, is not entirely legal.

Rule 5.6 says that “It is allowed to change twice in the match,” but nothing is explicitly stated whether or not a change must be single or, videlicet, double. Had there been a direct wording, viz. “only 6 players may play in a fixture, whilst the 7th player substitution is followed by [a penalty point]” we would gladly obey the rule which must not allow for additional readings. However, it does so now.

I do entirely confess that I had not read the rule at issue before today’s fixture and will do my best not to let anything like this happen in the future, but please take it into consideration, that there is no explicit statement with respect to the exact number of the players taking part in the fixture, as, say, it is stated in football rules (viz., “The eleven players are supplemented by the option to bring on a maximum of three substitutes from a pre-decided list of three to seven players...”).

I hope that this incident will not cast a shadow over the good name of The Lords of XO and will be carefully addressed by those, To Whom It May Concern, if my explanations do not satisfy them.

Yours sincerely,
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