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Forum: Euroleague
2024-05-14 01:03:40 Ashot Avetisyan (ashot)
RE: very ashamed
# 7395
I haven’t seen a single insult except to write that during the game the player must stop in the game this is an insult the player’s color turned blue and this is two times he was not in the room for more than 1 minute I said that this is not legal and not fair and the last one after your words as you wrote that we were destroyed, I modestly replied that it’s a game today, you win tomorrow, you can lose, don’t talk like that, you’re still lying, you had a lot of conversation, I read everything and didn’t want to answer anything, and was I also teasing? and as for Bone, everyone knows what happened, a player at every game I played came and started putting me in to play, I removed his answer from the table so as not to interfere, and for the answer I was forbidden to play longer, but it was all his fault, he remembered it well because from This can also be understood why you lost them if you have arguments for an answer, you can say otherwise, I see you are only good at insulting, you are good at it
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