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2012-01-03 09:54:45 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst) (reply) Reply to # 5981
RE: penalty points
# 5982

It means that if all your players will gather 30 penalty points together, your team will be punished with walkover.

Best regards,

2012-01-02 21:27:25 Csaba Kampos (ermclander) (reply)
penalty points
# 5981
I got this message:"Sum of all players PP" is the cummulative sum of positive penalty points of team members for the whole season; 30/60/90/... = team walkover in the next round.

What does it mean exactly? We well start with disavantgate in the next round?
2011-12-23 10:05:46 Alexander Bogatirev (pbayc) (reply)
the final of Russian Tournament 2011
# 5967
Hello. I want to say that today will be held the interesting event in gomoku`s on-line world - the final of Russian Tournament 2011.And I would like to invite you all to watch this match.
Alex Popiel and Konstantin Nikonov will compete for the title of the best russian gomoku player online.
Alex was the winner of this tournament season 2010. He is a member of team Russia online at international games, player of EL team "The Lords of Xo" which won 3rd place in the Euroleague season 2010/2011.
Konstantin Nikonov has become actively to play gomoku online only in this season.But he shown good results.And this is not surprising, because he has over 30 years of playing in Renju live tournaments. His best results:
- Russian vice-champion in 1993
- USSR champion in team (3 times), Moscow champion and cup holder, Russian champion via mail (envelope).
- winner of Russian first leagues twice.
- In 1996 Russia win the First team world championship. He was a captain of that team.
His last big victory was in 2010, when he had become the winner of Russian Championship renju High League. Now he has 7 dan of renju.
It will be great match.
Rules - 10min Swap-2, play up to 4 wins.
23.12.2011 20-00 Moscow time (17-00 playok time) ,
room - "rabity".

Friendly, Alexander.
2011-12-23 09:45:10 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst) (reply) Reply to # 5961
RE: Angst's 10th Anniversary Tournament
# 5965

Thank you for your message and your interest.

Frankly speaking I forgot about many time zones in Russia (I thought there is maximum 3 hours difference). I know it still quite late, but I needed to find some kind of compromise as it is standard working day (in other days there are official or NT tournaments and during weekends many EL matches are played) and could be hard to pay earlier.

I hope that at least some of Russian players will be able to compete. I will try to find better date next time if such situation occurs.

Best regards,

2011-12-22 13:17:31 anatolie smirnov (sherhan) (reply) Reply to # 5960
RE: Angst's 10th Anniversary Tournament
# 5961
Unfortunately this tournament and all the others do not consider that we have with you the difference in time 5:00
2011-12-22 00:07:26 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst) (reply)
Angst's 10th Anniversary Tournament
# 5960
Dear Gomoku Friends,

At the beginning of 2002 (probably on 4th of January) I logged in to the Playok site for the first time and played my first gomoku games. I didn’t suppose then, that this game will accompany me for the next 10 years, however this is the fact :)

Over time, I have been thinking, what would be the best way to celebrate this jubilee and to my head came following idea – a spectacular private tournament on Playok, involving the largest possible number of people with whom I had the pleasure to come into contact during my adventure with gomoku.
I’ve never been, and probably never will be, the master of this game, but for some reason I really devoted much of my time and myself. If you think that I deserve the small gift, or just feel like you would like to take part in this tournament, I invite you to come to Playok site on Wednesday 4th January 2012 at 8 pm. We’re going to play 9 rounds, with a time of 7 minutes per player, and I'm going to prepare memorable diplomas for top3 of the tournament :)

To take part in the tournament will be allowed players, that I know personally, or from the Internet. If you are not sure that you meet this criterion, please contact me on Playok – personally or via private message to the "piotrek401” account. For the avoidance of doubt, I encourage you to appear on one of the most famous nicknames. You also can inform me, what nickname you are you going to use – it will make the acceptance easier, as well as coming not later than 5 minutes before the start of the tournament. I will try to update the list of players on piotrek401 contact list.

I'd like to kindly request you to advertise my tournament and encourage your friends to take part. Friends and rivals from the Playok site – all are warmly welcome! :)

Kind regards,

Piotrek(401) / Angst
2011-12-03 20:21:43 Michał Żukowski (zukolepl) (reply)
Poland - Russia 30-34
# 5907
Poland - Russia 30-34 ( A 13-19) ( B 17-15)


Arcczi - Furla 1-1
Alice - Lamaza 0-2
Devo - Gelo 1-1
Jaszek - Nirvana 2-0

Henry - Baumanec 1-1
Muchaldinho - Gomoku 0-2
Puhol - Mick 1-1
Zukole - Raficus 1-1



Arczi - Nirvana 1-1
Devo - Furla 1-1
Alice - Gelo 0-2
Jaszek - Lamaza 2-0

Henry - Raficus 2-0
Muchaldinho - Baumanec 1,5-0,5
Puhol - Gomoku 0-2
Zukole - Mikle 2-0

9,5 - 6,5 ( 16,5 - 15,5 )

3rd Bbj>Alice,

Arczi - Lamaza 1-1
Devo - Nirrvana 1-1
Bbj - Furla 1-1
Jaszek - Gelo 1-1

Henry - Mikle 2-0
Mucha - Raficus 1-1
Puhol - Baumanec 1-1
Zukole - Gomoku 0,5 - 1,5

8,5-7,5 ( 25 - 23 )

4th Capella>Mikle

Arczi - Gelo 0-2
Devo - Lamaza 0-2
Bbj - Nirrvana 0-2
Jaszek - Furla 1-1

Henry - Gomoku 1-1
Mucha - Capella 2-0
Puhol - Raficus 0-2
Zukole - Baumanec 1-1

5-11 ( 30-34)

Jas 6-2
Arczi 3-5
Devo 3-5
Bbj 1-3
Alice 0-4

Henry 6-2
Zukole 4,5-3,5
Mucha 4,5-3,5
Puhol 2-6

Gelo 6-2
Lamaza 5-3
Furla 4-4
Nirrvana 4-4

Gomoku 6,5-1,5
Raficus 4-4
Baumanec 3,5-4,5
Mikle 1-5
Capella 0-2
2011-12-02 21:22:31 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst) (reply) Reply to # 5903
RE: Russia-Poland
# 5905
No, we can't :)

We agreed to disclose first teams just before the match :)

Kind regards,

2011-12-02 16:59:55 Ondrej Nykl (pandik1) (reply) Reply to # 5902
RE: Russia-Poland
# 5903
can you also write the nicknames (+pairing?). thanks
2011-12-02 16:46:41 Alexander Bogatirev (pbayc) (reply) Reply to # 5901
RE: Russia-Poland
# 5902
Thank you, Piotr.
To make long story short, Russia team:

A group:
Alex Popiel
Ilya Muratov
Oleg Bulatovski
Sergei Tarasenko
Edvard Rizvanov
Valeri Kondratiev
Denis Osipov


B group:
Yuri Kraubner
Pavel Elizarov
Andrei Litvinenko
Rafael Haliulin
Denis Kachaev
Mihail Lomakin
Vladimir Sinitsin

Alexander Bogatirev.
2011-12-02 16:35:50 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst) (reply) Reply to # 5900
RE: Russia-Poland
# 5901
Dear Gomoku Friends,

I'm glad to inform that tomorrow at 16:00 Kurnik time international match Poland-Russia will be played.

I would like to invite you all to watch this match and hope for interesting and fair games :)

We agreed with Bayc to publish line-ups today at 16:00, unfortunately due to technical problems I couldn't do it on time. I'm really sorry.

Polish line-up:

Group A


Group B


Match will be played according to EL rules, but in two groups 4+3 players (we agreed that 3 substitutions are allowed per group).

Kind regards,

2011-12-02 16:10:06 Alexander Bogatirev (pbayc) (reply) Reply to # 5899
RE: Russia-Poland
# 5900
Waiting for Polish 1st group member, Piotr.
2011-12-02 16:05:40 Alexander Bogatirev (pbayc) (reply) Reply to # 5898
RE: Russia-Poland
# 5899
1st group:
Alex Popiel
Ilya Muratov
Oleg Bulatovski
Sergei Tarasenko
Edvard Rizvanov
Valeri Kondratiev
Denis Osipov
2011-12-02 16:00:25 Alexander Bogatirev (pbayc) (reply)
# 5898
2011-12-01 13:18:03 anatolie smirnov (sherhan) (reply) Reply to # 5893
RE: Join
# 5895
and who said that the day before the match?
2011-12-01 01:16:10 Gergő Tóth (ycgergo) (reply) Reply to # 5892
RE: Join
# 5893
In last seasons new players could join and be accepted only after 2nd, 5th and 8th round. Now it's easier to join a team (every even round) but we did not want to allow it anytime so that teams can not be surprised by their opponents like joining 2 or 3 (possibly unknown, strong etc.) players one day before a match for example.

Mclander: 8.1. rule is evident, you can accept a new player in every even round by the time your team will have finished their match in the current round.
2011-11-30 18:42:50 anatolie smirnov (sherhan) (reply) Reply to # 5890
RE: Join
# 5892
I do not understand-why these restrictions?
2011-11-30 18:28:16 Csaba Kampos (ermclander) (reply)
# 5891
Is it normal, or a technical mistake? In the rules is "even round". Why must we waiting for one more round?
2011-11-30 13:18:55 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst) (reply) Reply to # 5889
RE: Join
# 5890

In both cases situation is the same. According to current rules new players will be able to play starting from 3rd round. You will be able to accept them after your match result from this round will be confirmed.

Kind regards,

2011-11-30 11:07:37 Csaba Kampos (ermclander) (reply)
# 5889

I cant join a waiting player for my group. The reason: You can not join the player because your team do not have filled or confirmed result of this round!

What does it mean? All of member have to confirm the results?

Csaba Kampos (Easy Riders)
2011-11-29 12:24:18 anatolie smirnov (sherhan) (reply)
# 5885
why can not I connect the player?
2011-11-08 01:27:52 Štěpán Tesařík (czpayroxid) (reply)
Gomoku betting shop
# 5796

It's my pleasure to invite you to our betting competition, where you can bet on duels in EL and CPL (
After registration ( you get 100 credits. The prize for winner of season is a gomoku magnetic board.

Betting rules:
It is forbidden to create multiple user accounts. The maximum bet per ticket is 500 credits. It is possible to bet on own victory in the match. Never on the victory of your opponent! It is forbidden to bet on a draw in a match which you participate. It is possible to buy credits if necessary.
If you have any questions, ask me. :)

I wish you a lot of great games
2011-11-07 23:50:54 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst) (reply) Reply to # 5788
RE: r1
# 5793
It is ready!

Good luck and fair interesting games to everyone! :)

Kind regards,

2011-11-07 16:55:29 Ondrej Nykl (pandik1) (reply)
# 5788
So, when will we know who are we going to beat in the first round? :)
2011-11-05 22:00:30 Ales Rybka (autickocz) (reply) Reply to # 5760
RE: help to join the EL season
# 5761

I wrote to the programmer of the site to see what is going on.

2011-11-05 21:37:23 József Barabás (erkisherceg) (reply)
help to join the EL season
# 5760

Our team (Easy Riders) want to play in Euroleague this season, but our capitain can't enter the site. There is some technical problem with entering!
Please give me temporary the capitain state, and i will reorganise the team!

Thank you!
2011-11-02 15:14:26 Björn Lind (combursan) (reply) Reply to # 5748
RE: Extra team member?
# 5749
Thank you!
I have now a new nickname, have also applied to join your team :)
2011-11-01 18:16:33 Aleksander Nowak (com_an_24) (reply) Reply to # 5746
RE: Extra team member?
# 5748
Yes - combursan looks good. Please change this nick and join our team, we will be very happy to see you as a member of the team Company. :-)
2011-11-01 10:59:20 Björn Lind (bursan) (reply) Reply to # 5731
RE: Extra team member?
# 5746
Thank you!
Do i need to change my nickname so i have "com" in the beginning?
2011-10-30 14:32:33 Aleksander Nowak (com_an_24) (reply) Reply to # 5730
RE: Extra team member?
# 5731
Björn - I invite you to my team.

Best Regards

an_24@ Company
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