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Forum: Euroleague

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2010-03-11 11:03:03 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
RE: Registration of new member
# 4645
It is impossible to change players now. Biysk can change them before the start of 9th round (rule 8.1.)
2010-03-11 08:43:37 Andrey Sviridov (cr_spartak)
Registration of new member
# 4644
I am transiting apply from Biysk team. They can't regster new EL account. Few minutes ago i also tried and failed as well. Some errors appear at the end.
Biysk want change biyskdima to new player biyskFelix (playok nickname).
2010-02-22 20:49:42 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
RE: New member
# 4614
We replaced one member, who didnt have enough time to work further. All of us would like to accept both candidates, but according to the rule 10.1 we could accept only one. Members of the committee cant change this rule without Ales's confirmation.

Why do you think that gomoku development is blocked now? Everyone is welcome to present new ideas on the forum (The site of EL or The rules).
2010-02-22 18:29:57 Ain Salula (thain)
New member
# 4613
Why didn't you just accept both candidates? Now gomoku development is blocked.
2010-02-19 01:35:24 Gergő Tóth (bcgergo)
# 4599
Thanks for your decision. I hope you won't be disappointed. Yuppie! :)
2010-02-18 17:24:58 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
RE: Invitation
# 4597
... and the winner is

2010-02-15 12:22:09 z002 z002 (z002)
Basket Sim Game
# 4576
Check this out...

It's a Sim Game (in English too) that has Euroleague, EuroCup, EuroChallenge and Mattoni NBL from Czech Republic!

2010-02-15 10:43:05 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst)
RE: request
# 4569
It seems everything is fine right now, but better let Vilumisiek confirm.

Kind regards,

2010-02-15 10:39:02 Igor Eged (ancientdragon)
RE: request
# 4568
what is wrong there? We can correct in it database, reopening the result is not best idea probably, because round will be closed soon as new pairing will be inserted.

So specify please, which particular game has wrong result or players.
2010-02-14 17:29:05 Michał Wileczek (krvilumisiek)
# 4564
Hello. I would like kindly ask administrators to allow again possibility to put correct result of Klub Rzeszow - OH Yeah Sqad as I have accidentally chosen wrong option. Thank you in advance. Best reg.
2010-02-07 23:59:25 Gergő Tóth (bcgergo)
RE: Invitation
# 4555
Name - Gergő Tóth

I am submitting my candidature for working in EL comitee.
I live in Mezőkövesd, Hungary.
I think I fulfill requirements that are needed like the other candidate.

I speak in Hungarian, English and German. Mostly EL communication language is English, but there are a lot of Hungarian players, so it could be useful to mediate their problems.

I'm an active member and captain of Barbe Cube.

I organized a 2-day-long tour last year in my hometown which was very successful from the players' and the organizers' side.

I have a big ambition to popularize gomoku in my country and also in the whole world. We are organizing tours, writing articles, making exercises etc. and always coming up with new ideas in

I'm very active and I'm online relatively a lot.

My first proposal would be that both candidate should join the Committee, because "more eyes can see more things" and both of us are appropriate to this work.

Of course I have some more ideas to get a better EL in the future, but I would share them after decision.

Best Regards - Gergő Tóth
2010-02-07 12:02:51 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst)
Pente and Gomoku live tours - invitation
# 4553
Dear five-in-a-row Friends,

On behalf of Polish Gomoku, Renju and Pente Association I have pleasure to invite you to participate in the Polish Pente Championship and Gomoku swap2 tournaments that will be held 27-28 of February 2010 in Kraków! :)

Here you can find more details:

We expect a lot of good games and fun. Hope to see you there!

Kind regards,

Piotr Małowiejski
2010-01-30 12:07:10 Vlad Nipoti (czpaybtc)
RE: Invitation
# 4536
Name : Vladimir Nipoti – Bano

I am submitting my candidature for working in EL comitee.

I was born in Russia but now live in Czech Republic.

I think I fulfil requierements that are needed.

• My English is quite good. I can also speak czech, russian and polish in a comprehensible way, so I can be useful to understand chatting during the matches etc.

• I am member of Midi Rod team ( mrcdb ) and president of both Midi Rod teams, also boss of olsava :D

• I am also member of Czech Renju Federation and try to play all live tournaments.

• I organised a tourney in our school. It was something like qualification for big “High School Gomoku tournament“, where about 16 000 students took part. ( )

• I also came up with the idea of playing individual league – Czech gomoku league. ( )

I would like to propose :
• creating “euroleague blitz cup“. It would take place e.g. week after the last Sunday of EL in May. Teams would meet and play blitz time setting. It will be something like Cup of UEFA ( Europa league ).
• Zukole ( well known polish player ) as an “responsible expert of EL“. The reason is that he is often present on EL matches and knows many nicks and players. He can find up some players urgenty and ware them ( e.g. Kosek from Attack Team )

I think EL rules are almost ready and do not need any big changes. It works as it has to.

I will be glad to work in the committee.

Best wishes,

2010-01-23 18:10:07 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
# 4509
According to the rules 10.2 and 15.1 the Committe invites candidates, who would like to become a new member of the Committee. Everyone, who would like to join and work with us has to fulfil the following conditions. He/she

- should be able to be active and has time to work;
- has experiences in organization gomoku tournaments;
- is a member of a team in EL and is not from Poland, Russia, Slovakia or Slovenia;
- has average level of English, enough to communicate with the other members.

Every candidat should submit his/her candidature till Sunday, 7th February, 24.00. He/she should write (shortly) his/her past work and present some ideas which would be interesting for development EL.

Regular members will vote by email, which will be sent to the neutral person so that no one of the members knows how vote the other members. Each member gives 3, 2 or 1 point/s to 3 candidates. A candidat who will have most points, will become a new member. If 2 candidates will have the same points, the members will choose between them in the 2nd round in the same way (2, 1 points).

On behalf of Committee
2010-01-14 12:33:19 Igor Eged (ancientdragon)
RE: Attila's pp
# 4494
Seems Tomo was a bit faster, we wrote our replies in about the same time, so may be something is duplicite, but we didn't agree about this, was just a coincidence :)
2010-01-14 12:31:27 Igor Eged (ancientdragon)
RE: Attila's pp
# 4493
Well, as for now it is in the rules and if there is a protest we have to solve it regarding rules, opinions and voting of committee.
I don't think making exceptions is smart move here, few pp don't hurt anyone and it is more like a warning.
To make some differences between "better" and "worse" players I don't consider wise. And I am pretty sure we have more than 3 excellent players in our competition, for example yesterday 2 teams filled with excellent players played together :)

Yes, there are different opinions about this article of rules and some find it outdated. But some opinions say forbidding graying is not only about preventing the danger of using opening libraries or other gomoku programs. It is also about respect for the opponent, some find it annoying when the opponent doesn't seemingly pay attention to the game, someone wrote that it is as if he would say "I am so much better than you, that I can beat you easily even without concentrating and looking at the game", which can perhaps have demotivating and humiliating effect on the weaker player. Even a beginner playing with a master wants to enjoy the game, become better and be respected not dependent only on his skill level.

But of course, there can be discussion and really if some rule would be decided as obsolete or outdated, it can be changed or removed.
2010-01-14 12:21:26 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
RE: Attila's pp
# 4492
Every team had confirmed to agree with the rules before EL started and the rules are the same for all of teams and for all of players. Nowhere is written that some (excellent) players can do things, which the others cant do. Noone never said that Attila was a cheater, he was gray too many times. Angst expained the reasons in #4432. If Committee thought, he was a cheater, he got harder punishment. I am sure we would have done the same to Fracass, Joking and to everybody, who would be gray so many times as Attila. I didnt watch the match, but one our member watched it and all members in the Committee believe each others.

5 pp dont mean almost anything. Attila and BC can play further, they didnt lose any game/match by wo for this reason. On the other hand this is a warning to everybody, who think that the rules are not valid for him. Committee cant do exception in this case.

jezek, member of the Committee
2010-01-14 00:08:55 Costinas Beniamin (vlh_dragon)
Attila's pp
# 4490
I didn't say a thing regarding this matter , because we just finished the game , and i didn't want to create an awkward situation. Now that it has passed , i find it very hard to understand why would you penalize him . For blinking , like cheaters get pp ? If Attila is suspected of cheating , then there is no point in playing in EL . Not to mention that he is much better than any program .I would kindly suggest to make an exception , and erase those pp , i am sure many think this way .

This might sound like a joke , but when you have 2-3 excellent gomoku players in the competition , you should not treat one of them in that manner ... seriously it's unpleasant too see that:)(would you have done this to fracass or joking ?).
2010-01-04 05:09:17 ViNZ de la Fuente (vinzt2f)
RE: Merry Christmas
# 4443
Sorry guys for the late greetings. May everyone filled with happy moments and laughters this new year, a prosperous one. I am very excited for the Euroleage Top 16 Draw and for the upcoming final four championship.

Cheers from Ticket2Final [dot] com
2009-12-25 09:31:57 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
RE: join the player
# 4420
Sorry, too late. Deadline to join a new player was on 13.Dec. 24.00. Read the decision of the committee on the forum The rules #4389 for the same case. You can accept a new player before the start of the 6th round. Deadline is Sunday, 14.Feb 24.00, KT.
2009-12-24 20:47:07 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst)
RE: Merry Christmas
# 4418
I wish Merry Christmas my gomoku & renju Friends :)

Best regards,

2009-12-24 17:43:21 Andrey Litvinenko (np_popovich)
join the player
# 4417

I would like to join SKiLL90 to my team, but i can't is it possible?

2009-12-24 01:41:07 Michał Żukowski (zukolepl)
Merry Christmas
# 4416
Merry Christmas for all :)
2009-12-23 12:46:30 Георги Георгиев (gdggomoku)
RE: 3vs3 mistake
# 4414
2009-12-22 14:04:49 Marko Pellikka (pellikka)
RE: 3vs3 mistake
# 4411
I don't think that the meaning of the fair play can be generalized by referring strictly to the rules.

First I'd like to remind that I'm not trying to change what already happened. I just want to bring some ideas that could be taken into consideration when the rules for the future (not this season) are being revised.

It is my personal opinion, that offering a chance for opponent to play 3 vs 3 is an act of fair play towards opponent team. I also believe that I'm not the only one with this opinion.

I agree, that having only 3 players available for a match is worth 13PP.

I don't agree that a team having 4 players present during all the match, but still chose to give a chance for opponent by playing 3 vs 3 would get also 13PP. That's too much.

But as Tomo said, defining different special scenarios for rules is problematic. And each special scenario may result having other complications that can't be easily foreseen. One problem is that you can't say if the fourth player is really available to play although he would be online.

2009-12-22 00:07:09 Vlad Nipoti (czpaybtc)
RE: 3vs3 mistake
# 4410
To Marko:


It has nothing to do with fair play. Teams are supposed to come as team in 4 players. If they dont, its only their problems or their captain. The aim of that rule ( pp for playing in 3) is to make teams come in at least 4 players, as Ales told me long time ago. In my opinion, it is absolutely fair to play 4x3.

Best Regards,

2009-12-20 13:13:22 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
RE: 3vs3 mistake
# 4400
I understand your situation, but we (Committee) have to follow the rules. At this moment I think it would be problematic if we define different pp for different causes of nonplayed games because every time can someone want to get less pp for his special cause. We ll talk about your idea anyway.

I d like to tell you, that fair play is incuded in the rule 16: »If a team and all its players don't get any pp in the next 3 real rounds (not walkover or 'bye'), their penalty points will reduce for 2 penalty points for every next round.«
2009-12-18 08:59:34 Marko Pellikka (pellikka)
RE: 3vs3 mistake
# 4387
Hi, I understand by the rules that my team got 13 PP. However I'd like that for future or for next season you consider changing rules so, that for fair play intentions (for example giving a chance for opponent to play 3 vs 3), will not result in so many PP. Comparing the PP result of this caused by good intentions is clearly not in line with other penalties.

Br, Marko
2009-12-04 22:13:06 Michał Wileczek (krvilumisiek)
# 4319
i accepted but there is nothing about remember it :] so im accept results of my behavior so np
2009-12-04 20:34:47 Juraj Ďuračka (outpanz)
RE: .
# 4318
Sorry Michał, but if you want to play in Euroleague, one of the conditions is to read the rules. To play in EL = to accept its rules. Otherwise you shouldn't do that. So now you shouldn't complain and gripe at rules.

Me and my teammates were prepared for the match on the agreed date and we have to look for a new date. OK, perhaps we'll find some new because we want to play but it's a little annoyance for us now.

Hope the match itself will better than this.
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