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Forum: Euroleague

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2009-12-04 18:44:12 Michał Wileczek (krvilumisiek)
# 4317

shit rule.
2009-12-04 15:49:30 Igor Eged (ancientdragon)
RE: Outsiders : Klub Rzeszow
# 4316
To be more specific, it happened because of this:

6.2.2. If no team creates an offer in first seven days of the round, then the first offer created from 8th day (from monday at 00:01) is automatically accepted.

And if you don't agree, it would be preferred if you could respond within 3 days from my offer ;)
2009-12-04 15:45:16 Igor Eged (ancientdragon)
RE: Outsiders : Klub Rzeszow
# 4315
Hi vilu,
you don't need to think, just read rules, system handles it automatically...
You can suggest different match date by withdraw offer or discussion using messages in match date section.
2009-12-04 15:33:58 Michał Wileczek (krvilumisiek)
Outsiders : Klub Rzeszow
# 4314
Hi, I and several my players think, that date which you proposed was accepted without 3 day rule.
2009-11-12 20:42:28 Adam Harmasz (ohhenryy07)
Re: Congratulations OH YEAH sqad !
# 4250
2009-11-12 09:48:03 Costinas Beniamin (vlh_dragon)
Congratulations OH YEAH sqad !
# 4249
32-0 is incredibly hard to manage , were there any 32-0 in past editions ?
Anyway , congratulations ! :D
2009-09-18 17:25:54 smirnov anatolij (barbos)
RE: Change in games of Euroleague.
# 4168
Try to solve проблемму participations of clones
2009-09-14 16:57:46 Costinas Beniamin (vlh_dragon)
RE: bye...
# 4165
And nobody can make you change your mind about this ?
It's nice to see you play (even to play against you , though it's very hard). It would be a real loss ...
2009-09-14 09:38:50 Alexey Ritter (cr_Fracass)
# 4164
I think 2008 season was last for me...
So... I want to thanks to all players of euro - it was really intresting to play with you and to oranizers:-)...
Good luck!
2009-08-25 09:34:55 Attila Demján (scattila)
RE: Change in games of Euroleague.
# 4153
Yeah, Paulie is right:) Let's force to play more live tournaments!
Besides Euroleague, we will start the Offline (e-mail) Gomoku World Championship. Details later.
2009-08-17 20:11:03 Pavel Laube (kedlub)
RE: Change in games of Euroleague.
# 4149
I must deeply disagree (and I hope I speak now for all Woodenheads) with any proposal which includes the increasing of number of rounds in Euroleague.
9 rounds are evidently good enought to decide fairly the champion, and by my opinion also good enought to give the opportunity to meet equal teams each other.
But if you don´t think so, than I consider the Attila´s proposal of ABC leagues as far more reasonable.
However, it is very nice, that you are so enthusiastic players, that you want to play also during the exam time and maybe even vacations. It is my pleisure than to invite you to join us in some live tournaments (as e.g. the past WC in Pardubice). I´m sure it can meet your needs enought:-)

2009-07-29 13:23:51 Costinas Beniamin (vlh_dragon)
RE: Change in games of Euroleague.
# 4145
i agree with rakdar , 11 rounds or more would be better . I propose to let captains vote on this matter .
2009-07-23 18:10:51 Dariusz Białkowski (com_rakdar)
RE: Change in games of Euroleague.
# 4143
We can notice how long the break is seeing numbers.

Beginning of season 3.11.08 End 10.05.09
which means that we play 6 months and we rest 6 months.

Too much of sunbathing :)


2009-07-20 18:52:24 Attila Demján (scattila)
RE: Change in games of Euroleague.
# 4141
Interesting idea.

I think if we would like to change on playing system in order to see more hard a nice matches we should leave swiss system and use round robin instead. I think the November-May timing is good, the break is not too long in my opinion.

We could make 3 groups like A, B, C with limited number of teams in each group. A group would be the First League, B the Second and C the Third. Teams from each group could go up and go down aswell (f.e. 1st and 2nd team of B change places with last and before last place of A group in the next season, same thing in B-C groups)

I think it's better than 11 rounds in swiss system, but to be honest, I am satisfied with the current EL system.

See ya in Pardubice.
2009-07-20 17:28:20 Dariusz Białkowski (com_rakdar)
Change in games of Euroleague.
# 4140
Few seasons of Euroleague have passed. Maybe it's worth to make some changes.

The break between seasons is way too long. Whole three months of holiday break is enough to rest from competition. There is a lot of good teams in season which don't play with each other. If the break will be shorter, there would be chance to add few rounds which ensure as some more great matches.

In this connection I suggest two small changes:

- make the holiday break shorte

- increase rounds up to eleven

A lot of players and organizers of Euroleague will take a part in coming world championships. Maybe it would be good to discuss about all this changes.


2009-07-15 11:33:28 Adam Horvath (anakinnmoose)
RE: Re:
# 4138
Congratulations to Hungarian team and thanks to all players for very good games:)
2009-07-13 16:22:20 Attila Demján (scattila)
RE: Re:
# 4136
Yesterday Hungary played with Czech Republic a friendly match. Thanks the invitation and the organization for anakinn! Thanks for the nice games and cool atmosphere. All the bests!


Hungary - Czech Republic 36:28


Hungary – Czech Republic 10:6

attila - autickocz 2:0

theking - olgoj 1:1

kaosz - peroxid 2:0

ecoban - gadael 0:2

dupsky - monika 2:0

oti - anakinn 0:2

vessago - deafbat 1:1

gabor - ondik 2:0


Hungary - Czech Republic 9:7 (19:13)

ecoban - autickocz 1:1

attila - olgoj 1:1

theking - peroxid 2:0

kaosz - gadael 0:2

gabor - monika 1:1

dupsky - anakinn 2:0

oti - deafbat 1:1

vessago - ondik 1:1


Hungary – Czech Republic 10:6 (29:19)

Peking comes up, oti goes down

kaosz - autickocz 1:1

ecoban - olgoj 1:1

attila - peroxid 2:0

theking - gadael 2:0

vessago - monika 1:1

gabor - anakinn 1:1

dupsky - deafbat 2:0

peking - ondik 0:2


Hungary – Czech Republic 7:9 (36:28)

theking - autickocz 2:0

kaosz - olgoj 0:2

ecoban - peroxid 1:1

attila - gadael 1:1

peking - monika 1:1

vessago - anakinn 1:1

gabor - deafbat 0:2

dupsky - ondik 1:1

Hungary A - Czech Republic A 19:13

Hungary B - Czech Republic B 17:15

Hungary (36 p):

theking 7-1

dupsky 7-1

attila 6-2

vessago 4-4

gabor 4-4

ecoban 3-5

kaosz 3-5

oti 1-3

peking 1-3

Czech Republic (28 p):

gadael 5-3

olgoj 5-3

anakinn 4-4

deafbat 4-4

ondik 4-4

monika 3-5

autickocz 2-6

peroxid 1-7

2009-05-22 08:39:05 Andrey Sviridov (cr_spartak)
RE: Re:
# 4107
Thanks for the match. We have played twice already. Now it is 1-1. I don't doubt we will meat next year. Players and observers like such matches.
2009-05-21 21:14:01 Michał Żukowski (zukolepl)
# 4106
Poland 21 - 43 Russia

First round

Arczi - Alex 0:2
Peaceman - Andrey 0:2
Vince - Lexx 2:0
Zukole - Mak 2:0
Angst - Barbos 1:1
Casbah - Cdb 0:2
Crosslet - Mick 1:1
Henry - Vostok 0:2


Second round Mak out, Fracass in

Arczi - Andrey 0:2
Peaceman - Lexx 2:0
Vince - Fracass 1:1
Zukole - Alex 1:1
Angst - Cdb 1:1
Casbah - Mick 1:1
Crosslet - Vostok 0:2
Henry - Barbos 0:2

6:10 ( 12:20 )

Third round Lexx out, Pycc in, Henry out, President in

Arczi - Pycc 1:1
Peaceman - Fracass 1:1
Vince - Alex 0:2
Zukole - Andrey 0:2
Angst - Mick 1:1
Casbah - Vostok 1:1
Crosslet - Barbos 0:2
President - Cdb 0:2

4:12 ( 16:32 )

Fourth round Fracass out, Mak in, Arczi out, Grajko in, Barbos out, Spartak in

Grajko - Mak 1:1
Peaceman - Alex 0:2
Vince - Andrey 1:1
Zukole - Pycc 2:0
Angst - Vostok 0:2
Casbah - Spartak 1:1
Crosslet - Cdb 0:2
President - Mick 0:2

5:11 ( 21:43)


Zukole 5-3
Vince 4-4
Peaceman 3-5
Grajko 1-1
Arczi 1-5
Angst 3-5
Casbah 3-5
Crosslet 1-7
President 0-4
Henry 0-4

Russia :

Andrey 7-1
Alex 7-1
Fracass 2-2
Pycc 1-3
Mak 1-3
Lexx 0-4
Vostok 7-1
Cdb 7-1
Barbos 5-1
Mick 5-3
Spartak 1-1

Thx for match !
2009-05-20 10:13:34 Andrey Sviridov (cr_spartak)
RE: Russia - Poland
# 4105
Piotr, that is good! See you at time.
2009-05-19 23:24:46 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst)
RE: Russia - Poland
# 4104

We have some problems with our team, however I decided that we will play, as I don't want to postpone our match for the 2nd time.

I propose to play in psgrip room.

Kind regards,

2009-05-16 21:23:03 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst)
RE: Russia - Poland
# 4100
Hello Andrey,

In case there won't be any problem with my team we will be ready on 21st of May 17:45.

I will confirm on Tuesday at the latest.

Kind regards,

2009-05-16 21:21:26 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst)
RE: Congratulations for all and one question
# 4099
Congratulations for the winners and for 2nd and 3rd placed teams!

This is also good time to say thanks to all teams participating in this interesting competition. I hope to see you all next season!

Kind regards,

2009-05-16 17:30:34 Andrey Sviridov (cr_spartak)
RE: Russia - Poland
# 4097
Hello Piotr, we agree to play at 21.\ of may. Meeting at 17-45.
2009-05-15 06:12:15 Andrey Litvinenko (np_popovich)
RE: Congratulations for all and one question
# 4096
Thanks to all for the good games!

As a true, I didn't expext that our team would take 1 place. So many good young team-players from different countries. Till the last round noone knows who will be the first. Impossibility to predict the result of EL shows us many teams have equal big chances to win. So we were more lucky and thanks to Midi Rod :)
2009-05-13 20:10:04 Георги Георгиев (lindross88)
Congratulations for all and one question
# 4094
Congratulations to North Pole and of all the others teams players the best strong turnament, and one question why dont are renovate oficial tournaments in room gomoku(kurnik in monday,tue., sunday, saturday)
2009-05-12 17:49:26 Michał Żukowski (zukolepl)
# 4093
Congratulations for the best. Thanks for playing:)
2009-05-12 11:45:16 Attila Demján (scattila)
RE: 08/09
# 4090
Congratulations to North Pole an all the other teams!

Hope to see you all in November;)

2009-05-11 22:09:28 Juraj Ďuračka (outpanz)
# 4089
Congratulation to the team of North Pole. Your triumph is deserved!

And thanks to all teams and players for very interesting season. Hope we'll meet again in 2009/2010!
Have a nice rest of spring and summer :)

Best regards,

2009-05-11 18:47:22 Andrey Sviridov (cr_spartak)
RE: Russia - Poland
# 4087
Maybe for us 21.05 will be ok, i will ask. I hope this date will be acceptable for you too.
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