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2008-11-18 11:28:45 Aleksander Nowak (com_an_24)
# 3297
Hi all!
I want to apologise for all problems during match versus Trojan Horse. Lack of players for the match, caused my frustration which I could not stop.
I would like to ask organisators:
1. Allow my come back to Company
2. Allow to add two more players to my team / before 2nd starts, we have only 3 players available/
3. I would like to ask all captains to support my request - in another case rules of EL will just eliminate us from competition this year.
Regards an_24
2008-11-04 01:09:29 Claudiu Hulea (vlh_mystartx)
RE: Allable
# 3273
Dear all,
Until me and my team offer to Allable join us we analyze his games and we are totally agreed that Allable’s games are fairs and creative also. We analyze his game for long period of time.

Thank you for your input.

Claudiu Hulea
2008-11-03 17:29:20 Igor Eged (ancientdragon)
RE: Allable
# 3266
I am not sure that he plays with program. But it is important that he reads the rules or his captain explains it. And then he has to play fair and also avoid graying during the game. Otherwise a player will be punished according to rules.
But let's not accuse someone publicly without a proof, ok?

2008-11-03 16:15:56 Ales Rybka (autickocz)
RE: Allable
# 3265
There can be just one answer:

12.Fair play – accusation
12.1. If anyone thinks, suspects that a player uses a program, one must send a *.lib library (from the program RENLIB) with the game together with the name of the program being used to the committee. Only games from GEL should be analyzed.
12.2. One must present at least 15 games from *.lib library, in which the player(s) uses program.
12.3. One must write which moves were changed (if there are any changes) and must show, until which move the player(s) played with program.
12.4. The committee will check given *.lib library and make a decision.
12.5. The committee can analyze other games too.
12.6. If these points are not followed, the committee will not check the accusation.
2008-11-03 16:07:07 Michał Żukowski (zukolepl)
# 3264
I think, that allable plays with program. I don't know why "he" can play in euroleague.
2008-11-03 12:45:14 Pavel Režný (sonic_pavelr_cz)
RE: TEAM bug.
# 3259
Hi Claudiu,
I'm sorry for the trouble - I forgot to tell Ales, that there is option "Current season", which was set to 2007 - thus there was not possible to anyone use "Match date".
(Thx Iec for the reporting the problem by ICQ ;-)

It is set to 2008 now and all should work now...

2008-11-03 12:17:42 Igor Eged (ancientdragon)
RE: TEAM bug.
# 3258
Problem solved, thanks Pavel.
2008-11-03 12:01:33 Георги Георгиев (lindross88)
# 3256
Hi Ales Rybka
can I have one more player in my team and if dont when will he be able to join if not now the team is BG Dragons
2008-11-03 10:17:37 Claudiu Hulea (vlh_mystartx)
TEAM bug.
# 3253
user request: Match date proposal.
system msg: You are not a captain of a team playing a match in current league/season/round.

Claudiu Hulea
2008-11-02 21:33:14 Ales Rybka (autickocz)
RE: Back with the bug join
# 3247
2008-11-02 21:26:43 Claudiu Hulea (vlh_mystartx)
Back with the bug join
# 3245
Hello again to admins,

Now one of our player are waiting for me to join him in my team but i cannot because i dont have JOIN button there.

Thx in advance,
Claudiu Hulea
2008-11-02 18:40:13 Pavel Režný (sonic_pavelr_cz)
RE: Join players in our team
# 3240
Hi Piotrek,
I replied to the email immediately (2008-10-30) - that it is necessary to leave the team, change the nick and join the team again.
(Unfortunately, this regular method, is not usable since 2008-11-1.)

Have a nice day.

2008-11-02 16:46:28 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst)
RE: Join players in our team
# 3238

I would like to add Dtence to Dark Team.

He could not change his nickname (pol_noc). Is it possible for him to join with appropriate nick? Or at least join with whatever nickname?

He wrote e-mail to Pavel few days ago...

Kind regards,

2008-11-02 13:11:33 Ales Rybka (autickocz)
RE: Join players in our team
# 3235

as I wrote in email to captains, the last october was deadline time. SInce now I will add your player till monday. I would like to stop having big changes.

2008-11-02 12:29:37 Claudiu Hulea (vlh_mystartx)
Join players in our team
# 3234
Hello admins,

We want to add another 2 players in our team and they cannot join in Team.

It is possibile to have a bug in system?

Thak you for cooperation.
Claudiu Hulea
2008-11-01 06:01:09 Jair Damian Martinez (aaronflyordie)
Which Team Want ME in Their TEAM?
# 3227
Hey everybody
Am new here but I played renju some time and I think am really good player and fair player..
Am from Colombia and Really i can help Your team.. :)

IF any team want to play with contact me...and send me a msg...

Good Bye and Good games

2008-10-28 12:04:37 Ales Rybka (autickocz)
# 3216

I have sent emails to captains, I asked them to confirm they want to play. In some cases I am not sure if they want to play.

2008-10-28 11:52:31 Vladimir Nipoti (koupelna)
# 3214

I would like to ask if teams like for example "Perfect Circle" are going to play this season or they just didnt make "No" for current season. If they are going to play, I am sorry. If they just forgot make "No" then they should not play because personally I would not like to play against them.

Best wishes,

2008-10-27 19:24:57 Andrey Sviridov (cr_spartak)
Russian style
# 3206
Team is not allowed to play untill rules will be fulfiled. Provide real name of player.
2008-09-30 20:24:10 Mart Kaar (diiler13)
a team for me?
# 3192
anyone willing to take me on their team?

Apart from estonian i speak decent english, therefor i am looking for a team which could communicate with me in english aswell.

I play decent gomoku, have played a couple of games over past few years.

Leave a message here or contact by sending that playok mail.
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