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2012-03-04 20:44 Grachik Vardanyan (ra04)
# 6143
My Name is Grachik..... surname -Vardanyan ....i am fair player -playing 2 season in El.... Nobody never had any question about me or my game...I play not so good but always fair -so i dont understund what you want?
2012-03-04 14:41:25 Yulia Shugarova (tz4)
# 6142
А lot of russian players know his name, i prefer he will tell it himself.
2012-03-04 13:15:54 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
# 6140
Yulia, could you tell us what is his real name?
2012-03-04 10:30:36 Yulia Shugarova (tz4)
# 6137
Vadim, renlib file (h8-i11-d9) was opened and minimized to icon, there also were Winamp, Outlook Express, Word and Paint programms and none of them were used during match, they were used before it. to use programm it is necessary to switch between windows and opponent will see blinking of nick. And i think you know, that renlib it is database, it can`t create moves by its own so if open was swaped it is useless.
Why you dont fill in your real name in profile?
2012-03-04 08:58:47 Grachik Vardanyan (ra04)
# 6136
THINK this case is clear.Against me use programm and i said about it. You find prog that was opened during the match.So whats problem? Why this cheater still
in EL?
2012-03-03 21:37:49 Yulia Shugarova (tz4)
RE: Incident (Tornado - United, ra04 - tz4)
# 6134
Tomo, i opened renlib before games to refresh in my memory open h8-i11-d9, i put that open twice and twice it was swaped so how could renlib help me? yes, i use renlib for analysing positions and saving some opens and only for this.
2012-03-03 11:22:41 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
RE: Incident (Tornado - United, ra04 - tz4)
# 6133
We have decided about the case Ra04 but we have open some other cases. We will announce all our decisions together.
I would like to ask you, why Tz4 had opened Renlib? Is there any witness who can confirm that Tz4 was (not) graying during her games in that match?
2012-03-03 03:53:30 Igor Eged (ancientdragon)
RE: Removed players
# 6130
Of course everything should be corrected and complete, may be we weren't so rigid this time with checking and only noticed when a name appeared in some messages, but I would also like to ask mrbahamutneo from Midi Rod NG to provide his surname again (as he had it there during previous seasons) and mcmikegrw from MastersOfCeremony team as well.

2012-03-03 01:22:01 Игорь Олегович Саделов (igor2405)
RE: Removed players
# 6129
Андрей а почему на латинице? Собственно в правилах все что я нашел об этом:
"2.5. To participate in EL, it is necessary to register on the website. All players must provide real name, e-mail and Kurnik nickname (to be used in the matches of EL)."
Я указал реальное имя, емэйл и никнэйм курника. Ладно раз это так принципиально-добавил фамилию(тут противоречие-в правилах указано что надо реальное name, то есть наименование, обозначение, в регистрации идет действительно фамилия(я не обратил особого внимания пару лет назад и не хотел светить фамилию для всяких поисковиков)-вообще говоря по идее правилам указание имени-отчества не противоречит совершенно(равно как и прозвища, вон у бразильских футболистов у всех так, а фамилии вообще говоря не везде есть)-если это действительно жестко требуется то должно быть указание.
ЗЫ И все таки чем хуже мое отчество(вполне реальное) однобуквенных фамилий(явно фальшивых)?
Andrey and why in a Latin? All in rules about it:
"2.5. To participate in EL, it is necessary to register on the website. All players must provide real name, AN e-mail and Kurnik nickname (to be used in the matches of EL)."
I fill out a real name, e-mail and nickname. All right time it so essentially- add surname (here the contradiction-in rules is specified that is necessary real name, .....(russian translate name), goes to registration really a surname (I hasn't paid special attention couple of years back and didn't want to display a surname for any searchers) - generally patronymic instructions doesn't contradict rules absolutely (no less than nicknames, at the Brazilian football players at all so, and surnames not everywhere are) - if it really rigidly is required that there should be instructions.
PS And all the same than worse my patronymic (quite real) single-letter surnames (obviously false)?
2012-03-02 23:43:19 Andrey Sviridov (cr_spartak)
Profile names
# 6127
Same for loraficus. Rafael, please put in your name in latin alphabet.
2012-03-02 23:36:48 Andrey Sviridov (cr_spartak)
RE: Removed players
# 6126
Igor, just put Igor Sadelov. Not all people can read cyrillic.

Игорь, укажи имя на латинице Igor Sadelov. Не все кириллицу умеют читать.
2012-03-02 23:23:11 Grachik Vardanyan (ra04)
# 6125
Блин....Володя я тебя не пойму....Ты меня в первые видишь? или мы с тобой лет 7 играли? Ты теперь добиваешься чего? чтобы меня отстранили от игр? За то что я сказал то что думаю? Я и впредь буду применять такие выражения к прогам играющим в ЕЛ .
P/s Ты знаешь меня лет 7-8 я хоть раз оскорбил члена твоей команды без повода? Но зато ты твердо уверен что меня стоит наказать за человека которого ты знаешь месяцев 6......максимум........ Я отыграл за твою команду прошлый сезон ..но прога с женским ником заслуживает больше доверия чем я?

ppps Даже если меня исключат их Ел с прогами я буду разговаривать так же....без капли уважения...
2012-03-02 19:34:11 Игорь Олегович Саделов (igor2405)
RE: Removed players
# 6122
I not understood. Enough the brought changes?
And than the patronymic than such surnames as an O. or B. is worse?
2012-03-02 17:46:03 Igor Eged (ancientdragon)
RE: Removed players
# 6119
There is no need to discuss, I just stated that surname field in player details form should be filled in a way that for russian players surnames should be used and not father names.
Reasons why real name and surname is used might be many, I think the main purpose is to deanonymize and therefore lead to better behaviour and also to be able to recongize in real tournaments that this and this is your opponent from internet and vice versa :)
2012-03-02 17:13:25 Vladimir Sinitsyn (vladimirs)
Incident (Tornado - United, ra04 - tz4)
# 6117
Can't find email address of all organizers. I sent messages via PlayOK site to Tomo and Igor (Iec) with a link of screenshot. Please read and forward to other organizers.
2012-03-02 13:14:39 Игорь Олегович Саделов (igor2405)
RE: Removed players
# 6113
I have added the surname in the profile description. Normally?
PS As far as I understand a surname-name it is entered that the person knew with whom it plays (and that there was no possibility to play to Euroleague simultaneously several nicknames), a name-patronymic like corresponds to both criteria (especially considering that I am familiar with some players of Euroleague and on attempts of participation in internal competitions).
Thus in some countries of a surname in their South European sense aren't used (Iceland and earlier Scandinavians in general), what occurs in this case?
2012-02-29 16:39:50 Igor Eged (ancientdragon)
RE: Removed players
# 6108
As I have been writing about russian father's names, I think also igor2405 is another case, as Igor Olegovich in team United doesn't seem like surname for me.
If I am right, please correct it as well.
2012-02-27 18:56:20 Grachik Vardanyan (ra04)
# 6083
there is a function on playok to send screenshot imagination file?))
2012-02-27 16:37:35 Vladimir Sinitsyn (vladimirs)
RE: Incident (Tornado - United, ra04 - tz4)
# 6082
Hello Tomo, please see my PlayOK message with screenshot.
2012-02-27 12:42:23 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
RE: Incident (Tornado - United, ra04 - tz4)
# 6081
Thanks for information, we will discuse about that. Can you send the screenshot to the members of Committee by email? You can find our emails in our profiles. First we would like to see your screenshot, than we will announce our decision.
2012-02-27 12:03:22 Vladimir Sinitsyn (vladimirs)
Incident (Tornado - United, ra04 - tz4)
# 6080
Dear Organizers of EL!

game ra04 - tz4: bad incident.
Player ra04 have insulted tz4 during the match via table chat (with filthy language). We have screenshot of these messages and several witnesses.
Such behavior is unacceptable here i think.

Please make decision.
2012-02-22 00:07:02 Rudolf Vybiral (mrsend)
approve result of match Midirod x CZ Lay
# 6073
Hello czlPurkys,

you must approve result of 1. round of our match. Mrteuse x czlSpecs is 2:0.

Thx mrsend - Ruda
2012-02-21 12:51:49 Igor Eged (ancientdragon)
RE: Removed players
# 6071
the players who were removed by mistake were added back based on committee decision.
Is Alexandr Dmitrievich real name? We use first name and surname in EL site.
Dmitrievich seems like father's name. If it's not a surname, correct it please.
2012-02-20 03:55:27 Roman Belyakov (bashibyzyk)
Removed players
# 6067
Dear Organizers of EL! My friend Alexandr Bogatirev advised me to write about my problem here.I have a little request.I casually removed 2 players from team Tornado(i am captain of this team)...their nick names are indeets and ra04.Please can you restore them to our team?Thank You!
2012-02-19 22:36:12 Alexander Bogatirev (pbayc)
RE: 1 minute Rustournament Final
# 6066

You can watch it :)
2012-02-17 15:25:11 Michał Żukowski (zukolepl)
RE: 1 minute Rustournament Final
# 6060
Bano - Furla 25:20
2012-02-17 13:54:09 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst)
RE: 1 minute Rustournament Final
# 6059

Could you please inform us on final results? :)

Kind regards,

2012-02-13 19:44:18 Alexander Bogatirev (pbayc)
1 minute Rustournament Final
# 6055
Hello everybody. I want to tell some special information.
On 15 of February, 17-00 Kurnik time will played Final of 1 minute Tournament.
Vladimir Nipoti - Ilya Muratov
(To 25 wins)

The winner will receive 2500 rubles (84$)
2nd place - 1500 rubles.
3rd place (2 players) - Andrey Litvinenko , Denis Osipov (1000 rubles to each)

I would like to invite you all to watch this match)

Alexander Bogatirev.
2012-01-10 11:25:59 Juraj Ďuračka (outpanz)
RE: add player
# 5998
What's wrong with it?

"A captain can accept new player during every even round..."

"Even" means 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th.
2012-01-10 11:00:56 Alex Novopetrovskiy (bkorneev)
RE: add player
# 5997
Why then written paragraph rules 8.1?
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