Current round: 1
to 2025-01-12

New registration


Forum: Euroleague

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2010-05-17 13:29:31 Igor Eged (ancientdragon)
RE: Result OH - ER
# 4907
We can do it this way - create the player and request to join the team, I will close the season today, then you can accept the player and you can also change ohlukasz to ohjkomd in round result afterwards.
2010-05-16 22:34:01 Adam Harmasz (ohhenryy07)
Result OH - ER
# 4905
Ohlukasz points should go to ohjkomd.
2010-05-16 22:02:31 Michał Żukowski (zukolepl)
Player statistics for current season:
# 4904
2010-05-11 12:44:07 Attila Demján (bcattila)
# 4899

The very first english modern gomoku books are about to be released soon!

Two books will be released in July 2010, The struggle of black and white 1 and 2.
The first book is about the basics of gomoku, it introduces the standard theories (all the 26) and the basics of gomoku. This book is recommended for those who would like to be familiar with the basics of the game, who would like to know the ultimate principles of gomoku.
The second book´s main topic is the central gomoku openings, as its subtitle says - the most popular central openings of the past few years and their respective theories. This book is recommended for those who would like to know a bit more about gomoku than the basics, who would like to be improved to a higher level.
Besides the introduction of the openings and their theories, both books includes game collection, gomoku puzzles on three different levels, general information about the game and the introduction of the author.

2010-05-04 14:03:25 Adam Harmasz (ohhenryy07)
RE: Registration problem
# 4882
Name - Przemysław
Surname - Raubo
Location - Wrocław
Nick - ohjkomd
2010-05-03 08:16:27 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
RE: Registration problem
# 4880
Committee allows due to technical problems that one player can join to OYS and BiyskFelix to Biysk (mess #4644).

Both captains have to write data of new players (name, surname, location, nick) in that forum before their matches.
2010-04-25 22:51:23 Adam Harmasz (ohhenryy07)
Registration problem
# 4857
Hello, I want join a player, but he has problem with registration, i tried and also i had problem, now i have 1 hour and 10 minutes to start new round, so it's possible to join player after 9th round start?
(Sorry for my english)
2010-04-25 19:19:09 Michał Żukowski (zukolepl)
Player statistics for current season:
# 4856
File Statystyki.xls
2010-04-23 10:18:20 Igor Eged (ancientdragon)
RE: .
# 4852
Well, the mentioned case has nothing to do with EL matches.
You can solve it with kurnik admins or ministry of truth :)

And it was probably just a reaction after some provocations.
But Vilu, please a watch your behaviour in our forum, you should not insult finnish players here, otherwise you can get some PP, because this now becomes related to EL...

And yes, generalization is bad thing, we are all people of this world, if someone speaks other language or has different skin colour or whatever, it doesn't make him different or less worth.

Vilu, as a great poker player you should spend your time with more worthy activities than this flaming :)
Guys, what about using your extra energy in filling missing rounds results instead? (message in decisions forum)
2010-04-22 23:21:17 Costinas Beniamin (vlh_dragon)
Vilu , in the role of virgin Mary :D .
# 4851
Ahahaha ... hahah ... ok I think it's over , no wait ... AHAHAHAA .

Look who's crying wolf , Vilumisiek . Unbelievable , the nerve and stupidity he proves . I really appreciate his efforts , never ceasing to amaze me (i would say us all , but who knows , maybe he's not the last of his species , and i do not under any circumstances refer to his nationality , which by the way ... i don't get why people consider nationalities , but this is an other discussion ) .

I saw him being unfair in many EL games (i could easily argue , but i am sure you know most ) , stupid jokes (i recall , once he said they are polish jokes about romanians , imagine that ... )

Yet he is the first one to complain about such (mirrored) behavior .

As a conclusion for those of you who don't like reading long messages about nothing (cause that's what it is ) i will rephrase it all in one ...(laughter) : AHAHAHAHA ... hahaha ...ha ... aah ... (so i lied , 1 laughter is not enough :P )
2010-04-22 14:25:47 Michał Wileczek (krvilumisiek)
# 4849
this was exacly quotation. but there was many others examples
2010-04-22 13:48:04 Riku Kuokka (tornitus)
RE: finnish idiots
# 4848
Nice generalization. If fire says something, the whole Finland is like it? And in my opinion, that behaviour doesnt relate anyway to EL. And as far as i know, it was said after someone else started calling fire gay with no reason, and things like this.

After all, everyone has a rigt to defend themselves and this behaving didnt happen in any EL match, so it doesnt relate to EL.

kind regards, "Idiot from finland"- tornitus
2010-04-22 13:29:25 Michał Wileczek (krvilumisiek)
finnish idiots
# 4847
I would like to inform that fascism is becoming more and more popular among finnish players on from who you are very likely to hear texts such as : "the nazis must have raped every polish ass, that's why your country is what it is" (fire2fire).

Maybe that is not fascism but a total stupidity which should be scrutinized by EL authorities
2010-04-06 15:19:02 Igor Eged (ancientdragon)
RE: malutki3000
# 4774
Committee agreed that games on new nick can be counted, so please fill in the results of the match asap.
2010-04-03 17:44:02 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
RE: malutki3000
# 4753
Members of committee have different opinions – to allow and not to allow changing nick. I hope we can announce our final decision soon.
2010-04-03 14:28:17 Adrian Czcyhowski (malutki3000)
# 4752
Hi i have a big problem my nik malutki3000 was stolen in addition to someone today, it was and I'm on the Niku registered to play EL today, in addition el play what do I do if there is opportunity so I played on r0sicky please answer fastest
2010-03-31 17:01:12 Tomasz Matyja (mctruskawek)
# 4746
Zgłaszam problem jako zawodnik ILL (niestety Sosnowiec jest nieuchwytny)
Gracz malutki utracił swój nick, który zgłosił jako nick do gry w EL. Twierdzi że ktoś mu się włamał, w skutek czego utracił on nick. Proszę, wraz z Malutkim, o dopuszczenie go do gry na nicku "r0sicky".

We (ill) have got a problem. Adrian Czcyhowski(malutki3000) can't log on his official EL nick. We play 03.04.10 vs. Midi Rod NG. Our ask is: could Adrian play on nick: r0sicky. I know, that i'm not captain of ill, but Sosnowiec is off line all the time. Sorry for my english.
2010-03-12 08:08:25 Andrey Sviridov (cr_spartak)
RE: Registration of new member
# 4652
Yes, but problem not with joining to the team, but with registration new EL account.
2010-03-11 11:03:03 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
RE: Registration of new member
# 4645
It is impossible to change players now. Biysk can change them before the start of 9th round (rule 8.1.)
2010-03-11 08:43:37 Andrey Sviridov (cr_spartak)
Registration of new member
# 4644
I am transiting apply from Biysk team. They can't regster new EL account. Few minutes ago i also tried and failed as well. Some errors appear at the end.
Biysk want change biyskdima to new player biyskFelix (playok nickname).
2010-02-22 20:49:42 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
RE: New member
# 4614
We replaced one member, who didnt have enough time to work further. All of us would like to accept both candidates, but according to the rule 10.1 we could accept only one. Members of the committee cant change this rule without Ales's confirmation.

Why do you think that gomoku development is blocked now? Everyone is welcome to present new ideas on the forum (The site of EL or The rules).
2010-02-22 18:29:57 Ain Salula (thain)
New member
# 4613
Why didn't you just accept both candidates? Now gomoku development is blocked.
2010-02-19 01:35:24 Gergő Tóth (bcgergo)
# 4599
Thanks for your decision. I hope you won't be disappointed. Yuppie! :)
2010-02-18 17:24:58 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
RE: Invitation
# 4597
... and the winner is

2010-02-15 12:22:09 z002 z002 (z002)
Basket Sim Game
# 4576
Check this out...

It's a Sim Game (in English too) that has Euroleague, EuroCup, EuroChallenge and Mattoni NBL from Czech Republic!

2010-02-15 10:43:05 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst)
RE: request
# 4569
It seems everything is fine right now, but better let Vilumisiek confirm.

Kind regards,

2010-02-15 10:39:02 Igor Eged (ancientdragon)
RE: request
# 4568
what is wrong there? We can correct in it database, reopening the result is not best idea probably, because round will be closed soon as new pairing will be inserted.

So specify please, which particular game has wrong result or players.
2010-02-14 17:29:05 Michał Wileczek (krvilumisiek)
# 4564
Hello. I would like kindly ask administrators to allow again possibility to put correct result of Klub Rzeszow - OH Yeah Sqad as I have accidentally chosen wrong option. Thank you in advance. Best reg.
2010-02-07 23:59:25 Gergő Tóth (bcgergo)
RE: Invitation
# 4555
Name - Gergő Tóth

I am submitting my candidature for working in EL comitee.
I live in Mezőkövesd, Hungary.
I think I fulfill requirements that are needed like the other candidate.

I speak in Hungarian, English and German. Mostly EL communication language is English, but there are a lot of Hungarian players, so it could be useful to mediate their problems.

I'm an active member and captain of Barbe Cube.

I organized a 2-day-long tour last year in my hometown which was very successful from the players' and the organizers' side.

I have a big ambition to popularize gomoku in my country and also in the whole world. We are organizing tours, writing articles, making exercises etc. and always coming up with new ideas in

I'm very active and I'm online relatively a lot.

My first proposal would be that both candidate should join the Committee, because "more eyes can see more things" and both of us are appropriate to this work.

Of course I have some more ideas to get a better EL in the future, but I would share them after decision.

Best Regards - Gergő Tóth
2010-02-07 12:02:51 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst)
Pente and Gomoku live tours - invitation
# 4553
Dear five-in-a-row Friends,

On behalf of Polish Gomoku, Renju and Pente Association I have pleasure to invite you to participate in the Polish Pente Championship and Gomoku swap2 tournaments that will be held 27-28 of February 2010 in Kraków! :)

Here you can find more details:

We expect a lot of good games and fun. Hope to see you there!

Kind regards,

Piotr Małowiejski
Displayed message count: 30