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2011-05-04 17:11:27 Ilya Katsev (lobromozel)
RE: Demons and Wizards-The Lords of XO
# 5623
2011-05-03 12:24:40 Igor Eged (ancientdragon)
Demons and Wizards-The Lords of XO
# 5619
The Committee agreed about the match - see forum decisions.
Captains of those 4 teams, please vote here.
If some team doesn't respond or answers no, then draw stays as a result.

If all teams agree about new match, then normal rules apply, match has to be played until june 12th.
Standard admin date would be june 12th, 10:00.
It is recommended, that teams DW and LO agree on final match date before publishing agreement here.
Further match date changes should be done using EL dates forum.

Theoretical possible results:
If YC wins, of course YC is EL winner.

Now if YC doesn't win, let's count in cases where LO (and/or NP) wins last round match:

If YC draws and LO beats DW, with higher probability YC wins, LO has a chance only in case of big surprises in other matches.
If YC loses and LO beats DW, LO is EL winner.
If YC loses and LO draws with DW or current draw stays, winner can be YC, LO (in case of some smaller surprises), or even NP (in very rare and unexpected combination of results).

In these cases winner depends on secondary criteria, thus results of some other matches.
2011-04-27 17:00:56 anatolie smirnov (sherhan)
# 5586
Ура! Ричард ввел новые правила-сделав свап на големе. И уже первый турнир, который похоже тестирует он сам-играется по новым правилам. Правда я маленько не понял его. В правилах записано, что играется на доске 15-15. В новом же организованном турнире доска 19-19. Все на GOLEM!
2011-04-06 16:05:46 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
RE: join
# 5530
"8.1. ... only AFTER the result of the ... 8TH ROUND is approved and BEFORE the start of the ... 9TH ROUND."

I hope, it is clear now.
2011-04-05 16:21:12 anatolie smirnov (sherhan)
# 5524
Again, I can not join a player-system issues.=You can not join the player because your team do not have filled or confirmed result of this round!=
Excuse me please, how could I physically while to confirm the results
tour? The tournament ended for me at 00.40 and like the other day on my
work, I went to sleep. Arriving after work, I confirmed the result. And
what I
done wrong? "This rule does not account for all varianty.Ya simply not
able to confirm the time.
2011-04-03 10:11:16 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
RE: join
# 5509
8.1.A player can join chosen team anytime. A captain can accept new player only after the result of the 2nd, 5th or 8th round is approved and before the start of the 3rd, 6th or 9th round.

This rule is valid for all teams and we cant allow an exception.
2011-04-03 00:33:56 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst)
RE: CZE-POL match; 02.04.2011; 14:00; Rabity
# 5507
Hello Five-in-a-row Enthusiasts!

Below you can find the stats of Czech-Poland match that were played yesterday :)

I would like to thank Bano and our Czech colleagues for the opportunity to play another international match and also for fair and interesting games! We wish more :) I know that probably Russia is waiting, but other countries are welcomed obviously too :)

Kind regards,


Poland - Czech 40,5 - 23,5
(Poland A - Czech A 15,5 - 16,5 ; Poland B - Czech B 25-7)*

* Groups A nad B were supposed to be at the similar power of players

1. round

Angst - Bano 0:2
Arczi - Deafbat 2:0
Devotion - Kedlub -:+
Muchaldinho - Martez 1:1

Gacul - Anakinn 2:0
Henry - Olgoj 2:0
Puholek - Ondik 0,5:1,5
Zukole - Peroxid 2:0


2. round

Angst - Deafbat 2:0
Arczi - Kedlub 1,5:0,5
Devotion - Martez 1:1
Muchaldinho - Bano 0:2

Gacul - Olgoj 0:2
Henry - Ondik 1:1
Puholek - Peroxid 2:0
Zukole - Anakinn 1:1

18-14 ( 8,5-7,5 )

3. round Tomases for Deafbat, Teovan for Peroxid

Angst - Kedlub 0:2
Arczi - Martez 2:0
Devotion - Bano 1:1
Muchaldinho - Tomases 0:2

Gacul - Ondik 2:0
Henry - Teovan 2:0
Puholek - Anakinn 2:0
Zukole - Olgoj 1,5:0,5

28,5-19,5 ( 10,5-5,5 )

4. round Crosslet for Angst, Siwer for Muchaldinho - Gregi for Ondik

Crosslet - Martez 1:1
Arczi - Bano 1:1
Devotion - Tomases 1:1
Siwer - Kedlub 2:0

Gacul - Teovan 2:0
Henry - Anakinn 1:1
Puholek - Olgoj 2:0
Zukole - Gregi 2:0

40,5-23,5 ( 12-4 )

Poland A:

Arczi 6,5 - 1,5
Devotion 3-3
Siwer 2-0
Angst 2-4
Crosslet 1-1
Muchaldinho 1-5

Czech A:

Bano 6-2
Tomases 3-1
Martez 3-5
Kedlub 2,5-3,5 (+2)
Deafbat 0-4

Poland B:

Puholek 6,5-1,5
Zukole 6,5-1,5
Gacul 6-2
Henry 6-2

Czech B:

Ondik 2,5-3,5
Olgoj 2,5-5,5
Anakinn 2-6
Gregi 0-2
Peroxid 0-4
Teovan 0-4
2011-04-01 18:01:45 anatolie smirnov (sherhan)
# 5504
Appeal to the committee. Can I make an exception to the rule on
join my team of the new player? I think it's nobody
2011-03-30 09:29:10 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
RE: Ani za prase - Midi Rod NG match
# 5498
Committee agrees with the new date.

jezeksi, member of the committee
2011-03-29 18:30:33 Rudolf Vybiral (mrsend)
Ani za prase - Midi Rod NG match
# 5497
Ani za prase cant play today. Midi Rod NG offer a new term of match - 31.03.2011 from 20:30 hrs.
I hope the comitte will agree.

mrsend- a cpt of Midi Rod NG
2011-03-28 14:00:22 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst)
CZE-POL match; 02.04.2011; 14:00; Rabity
# 5495
Dear Gomoku Friends,

I have pleasure to announce that on nearest Saturday (02.04.; 14:00 Kurnik time) Czech - Poland match will be held.

We agreed to play with 8 players per team divided into two groups (with similar power) and 2 possible changes per group (like 2 EL matches in the same time, however with the final cummulative score to be counted).

We decided to publish line-ups today at 2 pm, so here you can find Polish team:

Group A


Group B


Reserve players:

+ one to be decided just before the match

I would like to invite you all for this event and hope for many interesting and fair games! :)

Kind regards,

2011-03-16 13:29:09 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst)
RE: swap2?
# 5460

Currently there is no more swap at playok and swap2 is just swap now :)

Kind regards,

2011-03-15 20:37:11 Michal Pravenec (stfederer)
RE: Entering the results
# 5455
Hello Igor,

I am speaking on behalf of ST and we are sorry that the result was not approved in time. I know the rules and I am worried about not entering the result of the match but I had to leave the town unprepared for a business gathering and had no PC to enter the result for next couple of days. I can insure you this case will not happen again

Michal Pravenec
2011-03-15 19:50:47 Adam Horvath (anakinnmoose)
RE: Entering the results
# 5454
čau Iec, Ruda asi nemuze tak sem ten vysledek napsal vcera do fora results. Nemam jeho heslo abych to moh zapsat normalne.
2011-03-15 17:57:02 József Barabás (erkisherceg)
# 5453

I wanted to play gomoku in playok, but there was something strange.

Where is swap2 option in playok?

2011-03-14 16:21:14 Igor Eged (ancientdragon)
RE: Entering the results
# 5446
I paired the round with the missing result counted as Superteam win, captains please enter the result as soon as possible.
Or we will discuss additional punishment or next time such match could be awarded with -:- result, so please everybody pay attention to publishing results after a match, in worst case if captains really cannot input it, at least write it into results forum before end of the round.
2011-03-14 13:42:52 Igor Eged (ancientdragon)
Entering the results
# 5443
Would the teams Midi Rod NG and SUPERTEAM_ be so kind and finally enter the result of their match?
SUPERTEAM_ does this regularly and a danger of walkover is there soon...

If captains have some trouble with time, the site or english language, there is always a possibility to select another captain or at least to write the result into the forum by a team member.

2011-02-28 22:42:22 Alex Popiel (lolamaza)
RE: Russia vs. Hungary
# 5428
Dear Angst:

> 1. How has division of groups been made? (theoretically "stronger" vs "weaker", up to captians decision, randomize?)

The captains agreed on grouping theoretically comparable players aiming to keep the match intensive and maintain the struggle in all the games.

> 2. Did you count the result as cumulative from both groups or that were two separate matches?

We counted the overall result and never separated the players into 'strong' and 'weak,' but rather held for the unity in our ranks, including those players who did not play.

Yet if you want to know the results of the mini-matches, you may find them below:

Team Russia, Group A 15.5-16.5 Team Hungary, Group A

Team Russia, Group B 19.5-12.5 Team Hungary, Group B

> 3. Who prepared the pairing?

The captain of Team Russia, yours obediently ))

> 4. Who wanna play first versus Poland :]

Team Russia accepts the challenge.
2011-02-28 22:26:18 Alex Popiel (lolamaza)
RE: Russia vs. Hungary
# 5427
Thanks, Angst!! ))

Sorry for the delay in announcing the results of the friendly match.
Team Russia won against Team Hungary. The final score is 35-29.

Personal stats:

Team Russia, Group A:
rupopovich 6/8
rugelo 5/8
rulamaza 2/6
runirvana 1.5/2
rufurla 1/8

Team Hungary, Group A:
hunvessago 6/8
hunsky 5/8
hungryiam 3/8
hungabor 2.5/8

Team Russia, Group B:
rumur 6/8
ruraficus 5/8
rucapella 4.5/8
rubaumanec 4/8

Team Hungary, Group B:
hunpeking 6.5/8
hunoti 4/8
hunkaosz 1/2
hunecoban 1/6
hunsongoku 0/2
hunrostaska 0/2
hunkisherc 0/4

Thanks everyone who took part in the match and supported the teams! My special thanks go to Gergő Tóth, the captain of Team Hungary, for his consistent support and tireless efforts while organizing the friendly.

Kind regards,
Alex Popiel
2011-02-27 19:23:37 Ondrej Nykl (pandik1)
RE: hu-ru
# 5424
you can separate the games if you click on "opponents", so you would then have 4 (assuming there's no substitution) files which I believe shouldn't be hard to join into one file.
2011-02-27 01:43:51 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst)
RE: Russia vs. Hungary
# 5422
First of all I would like to congrat Russia their (summary) win over Hungary and to thank both teams (especially captains) for progress in the area of international matches and going further concerning all gomoku community.

I would like to know few things about your match and would appreciate if you could explain it:

1. How has division of groups been made? (theoretically "stronger" vs "weaker", up to captians decision, randomize?)
2. Did you count the result as cumulative from both groups or that were two separate matches?
3. Who prepared the pairing?

and the most important thing:

4. Who wanna play first versus Poland :]

Kind regards,

2011-02-27 01:32:09 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst)
RE: hu-ru
# 5421

I'm afraid it is not possible to download all games of concrete match pleyed in two groups. I assume you can probably download two archives currently (one archive of player from A team that played whole match and second for another player from B team that also played all games). Maybe later you can join them, I don't know Renlib too well.

In case of EL match situation could be a little bit different. You can probably also download games of one player, but later you would need to delete games from previous matches.

All above is valid if it is still possible to "download all games" from one page in Kurnik statistics. Maybe there is easier way, but I don't know it and also would appreciate any update in this area :)

In case of no possibilty to do it automatically I doubt we can record EL games (someone would need to copy 32 games to RenLib and we all know that EL players, except Zukole, are quite lazy :)).

Kind regards,

2011-02-26 17:37:58 Ondrej Nykl (pandik1)
# 5420

can someone who knows how to convert files from kurnik to renlib make .lib file with games from hungary-russia match? I'd appreciate it.

I also think it would be good idea to save games from every EL match and attach it as a lib file to results. That being said I have no idea if there's any easy way to mass-download all the games so the whole process wouldn't take more than, let's say, 5 minutes.
2011-02-26 14:43:03 Michał Żukowski (zukolepl)
RE: pp for bad behaviour
# 5419
So not 5230 ! :) thx.
2011-02-26 10:54:53 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
RE: pp for bad behaviour
# 5418
Although you are one of the best players in EL and although you dont agree with the rejection of a re-match of the opposing team, you neednt be offensive to them (#5264;
2011-02-25 15:10:01 Michał Żukowski (zukolepl)
RE: pp for bad behaviour
# 5417

some "LOL" is bad behaviour ?:DDDD
2011-02-25 13:41:56 Tomo Dernovšek (jezek_si)
pp for bad behaviour
# 5416
Committee decided that Jas and Dragon got pp because a member of Committee saw the main chat during and after the match VLH-OYS and it was full of with curses and aspersion written by them. Committe also agreed that messages from some players were also bad behaviour (Zukole(# 5230, # 5264), Lechista(# 5194, # 5199) and again Dragon for using too much sarcasm in his comments).
2011-02-25 12:55:15 Costinas Beniamin (vlh_dragon)
All star and international games.
# 5415
Hello all. The idea is good (and i don't think you need confirmation from other players for that since it's quite obvious) and many players, including myself, would surely love to watch such games. Of course, the part where you actually try to make things happen is quite a nightmare (at least for me it was, so i'm guessing it might bbe the same for others). That is why i respect you (and i'm sure others too) even for trying.

I really hope you succeed into making it possible.

Also, i would like to kindly ask monika to explain my pp for bad behavior. I am really curious where i went wrong. Unless expressing my feelings and thoughts freely as long as i'm not insulting someone is considered bad behavior, then don't even bother! (furthermore i would ask why did zukole get them... but i'm guessing it's the same deed)
2011-02-24 20:24:11 Георги Георгиев (lindross88)
official tournament
# 5413
Is it possible to recover official tournaments playok (example: attilademjan rang 2554 official tournament in 1713)? . Thus promote gomoku and gives everyone a chance to participate
2011-02-23 01:11:45 Piotr Małowiejski (dt_angst)
RE: Russia vs. Hungary
# 5410
Dear All!

I'm really happy reading about Hungary-Russia match.

As you may know Poland is some kind of pioneer concerning international matches. However, due to responses to my offers like "we will discuss it later...", "we will play with... soon and maybe play with you afterwards" or similar, I was a little bit dispirited, but now I feel once again that there is still a chance for another international matches... and maybe to come back to the Gomoku League of Nations idea in the nearest future, who knows :)

Please remember, that Poland is always ready and willing to play with other countries, as we found it interesting and really impacting gomoku popularity in a positive way.

In case you would like to play with us or discuss international matches issues please do not hesitate to contact me here or by private message at playok. Everything is up to us!

I am looking forward to hearing from you!

Kind regards,

Piotr Małowiejski (Angst)
Captain of the Polish Gomoku National Team

P.S. I really count on match versus the winner of Hungary-Russia competition. And vs the defeated team as well, obviously :D
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