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Results for season 2014/2015:
Season: 2014/2015, After round: 9 (2015-04-27 to 2015-05-17)
Place Name Score M-Buch. Buch. Berg. Progr. 
 Demons and Wizards 8.5 35.0 45.0 37.25 40.5 
 The Lords of XO 6.5 36.5 47.5 31.00 36.5 
3-4  Czech Payback 37.0 49.0 29.50 32.0 
  Final Fantasy 36.0 47.0 26.50 30.5 
5-6  Dark Team 5.5 37.5 46.5 24.00 32.0 
  The Strongest 5.5 33.0 41.0 22.25 23.0 
7-8  Slovenian Dragons 1 30.5 39.5 6.00 22.0 
  WayToTheSun 27.5 34.5 7.00 17.0 
9-12  Polar Bears 4.5 34.0 45.0 20.75 25.0 
  No To Co 4.5 33.5 44.5 14.25 25.5 
  Outsiders 4.5 32.5 41.5 13.75 26.0 
  Luffarna 4.5 30.0 39.0 15.25 24.0 
13-14  Thunderstorm 27.5 34.0 9.00 17.0 
  Czech Payback B 26.5 32.0 3.00 21.0 
15  choose your moose 29.5 38.5 5.00 12.0 
16-17  NJ AllStars 29.0 37.5 0.00 9.0 
  JoKeR 15.5 24.5 0.00 3.0 
Round result:
Season: 2014/2015, Round: 9 (2015-04-27 to 2015-05-17)
1 Demons and Wizards +:- Slovenian Dragons 1 
2 Outsiders 0:1 The Lords of XO 
3 Dark Team 0:1 The Strongest 
4 Luffarna 0:1 Final Fantasy 
5 Polar Bears 0:1 Czech Payback 
6 Thunderstorm 1:0 Czech Payback B 
7 NJ AllStars 0:1 WayToTheSun 
8 No To Co +:- choose your moose 
Round result:
Season: 2014/2015, Round: 8 (2015-04-06 to 2015-04-26)
1 Outsiders 0:1 Demons and Wizards 
2 Slovenian Dragons 1 +:- The Lords of XO 
3 Final Fantasy 0.5:0.5 Dark Team 
4 The Strongest 0.5:0.5 Polar Bears 
5 Czech Payback 1:0 No To Co 
6 choose your moose -:+ Luffarna 
7 WayToTheSun 1:0 Thunderstorm 
8 NJ AllStars 0:1 Czech Payback B 
Round result:
Season: 2014/2015, Round: 7 (2015-03-16 to 2015-04-05)
1 Polar Bears 0:1 Demons and Wizards 
2 The Lords of XO 0.5:0.5 Final Fantasy 
3 Dark Team 1:0 Czech Payback 
4 No To Co 0:1 Outsiders 
5 Luffarna 0:1 The Strongest 
6 Czech Payback B 0:1 Slovenian Dragons 1 
7 choose your moose 0:1 WayToTheSun 
8 NJ AllStars -:+ Thunderstorm 
Round result:
Season: 2014/2015, Round: 6 (2015-02-23 to 2015-03-15)
1 Demons and Wizards 1:0 Dark Team 
2 Czech Payback 0:1 The Lords of XO 
3 Final Fantasy 1:0 No To Co 
4 Czech Payback B 0:1 Polar Bears 
5 Outsiders 1:0 choose your moose 
6 Thunderstorm 0:1 Luffarna 
7 The Strongest 1:0 NJ AllStars 
8 JoKeR -:+ WayToTheSun 
9 Slovenian Dragons 1 +:- BYE 
Round result:
Season: 2014/2015, Round: 5 (2015-02-02 to 2015-02-22)
1 The Lords of XO 0:1 Demons and Wizards 
2 Czech Payback 1:0 Final Fantasy 
3 Dark Team 1:0 Outsiders 
4 Luffarna 0:1 No To Co 
5 Slovenian Dragons 1 0:1 Polar Bears 
6 Czech Payback B +:- JoKeR 
7 WayToTheSun 0:1 The Strongest 
8 NJ AllStars 0:1 choose your moose 
9 Thunderstorm +:- BYE 
Round result:
Season: 2014/2015, Round: 4 (2015-01-12 to 2015-02-01)
1 The Strongest 0:1 The Lords of XO 
2 Demons and Wizards 1:0 Czech Payback 
3 No To Co 0:1 Dark Team 
4 Outsiders 0.5:0.5 Luffarna 
5 WayToTheSun 0:1 Final Fantasy 
6 Polar Bears 1:0 Thunderstorm 
7 choose your moose 0:1 Czech Payback B 
8 Slovenian Dragons 1 1:0 NJ AllStars 
9 JoKeR +:- BYE 
Round result:
Season: 2014/2015, Round: 3 (2014-12-15 to 2015-01-11)
1 The Lords of XO 1:0 Dark Team 
2 The Strongest 0:1 Czech Payback 
3 Final Fantasy 0:1 Demons and Wizards 
4 Polar Bears 0:1 No To Co 
5 NJ AllStars 0:1 Outsiders 
6 Czech Payback B 0:1 Luffarna 
7 Thunderstorm 0:1 choose your moose 
8 JoKeR 0:1 Slovenian Dragons 1 
9 WayToTheSun +:- BYE 
Round result:
Season: 2014/2015, Round: 2 (2014-11-24 to 2014-12-14)
1 The Lords of XO 1:0 Polar Bears 
2 Final Fantasy 1:0 The Strongest 
3 Czech Payback 1:0 Outsiders 
4 Dark Team 1:0 NJ AllStars 
5 Demons and Wizards 1:0 choose your moose 
6 No To Co 1:0 JoKeR 
7 Luffarna 1:0 WayToTheSun 
8 Slovenian Dragons 1 0:1 Thunderstorm 
9 Czech Payback B +:- BYE 
Round result:
Season: 2014/2015, Round: 1 (2014-11-03 to 2014-11-23)
1 choose your moose 0:1 The Lords of XO 
2 Demons and Wizards 0.5:0.5 No To Co 
3 JoKeR 0:1 Final Fantasy 
4 Czech Payback 1:0 Luffarna 
5 Slovenian Dragons 1 0:1 Dark Team 
6 Polar Bears 1:0 WayToTheSun 
7 Thunderstorm 0:1 The Strongest 
8 Outsiders 1:0 Czech Payback B 
9 NJ AllStars +:- BYE